100 Best NLP Books of All Time
We've researched and ranked the best nlp books in the world, based on recommendations from world experts, sales data, and millions of reader ratings. Learn more

Tony RobbinsAnother book that I’ve read dozens of times. It taught me that if you change the meaning, you change everything. Meaning equals emotion, and emotion equals life. (Source)

Jimmy FallonI read it while spending ten days in the ICU of Bellevue hospital trying to reattach my finger from a ring avulsion accident in my kitchen. It talks about the meaning of life, and I believe you come out a better person from reading it. (Source)

Dustin Moskovitz[Dustin Moskovitz recommended this book on Twitter.] (Source)
You'll learn the six universal principles, how to use them to become a skilled persuader—and how to defend yourself against them. Perfect for people in all walks of life,... more

Charles T. MungerRobert Cialdini has had a greater impact on my thinking on this topic than any other scientist. (Source)

Dan ArielyIt covers a range of ways in which we end up doing things, and how we don’t understand why we’re doing them. (Source)

Max Levchin[Max Levchin recommended this book as an answer to "What business books would you advise young entrepreneurs read?"] (Source)
Winner of the National Academy of Sciences Best Book Award in 2012
Selected by the New York Times Book Review as one of the best books of 2011
A Globe and Mail Best Books of the Year 2011 Title
One of The Economist's 2011 Books of the Year
One of The Wall Street Journal's Best Nonfiction Books of the Year 2011
2013 Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient
In the international bestseller, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman, the renowned psychologist and winner of the Nobel... more

Barack ObamaA few months ago, Mr. Obama read “Thinking, Fast and Slow,” by Daniel Kahneman, about how people make decisions — quick, instinctive thinking versus slower, contemplative deliberation. For Mr. Obama, a deliberator in an instinctive business, this may be as instructive as any political science text. (Source)

Bill Gates[On Bill Gates's reading list in 2012.] (Source)

Marc AndreessenCaptivating dive into human decision making, marred by inclusion of several/many? psychology studies that fail to replicate. Will stand as a cautionary tale? (Source)
But not everyone understands Stephen Covey’s model fully well, or maybe there are some people who... more

Dustin Moskovitz[I] was surprised at how familiar the topics felt. (Source)

Dave Ramsey[Dave Ramsey recommended this book on his website.] (Source)

Kishore BiyaniImmensely helpful and influential during my early years, it explained some of the basic mindsets required to succeed in any profession. (Source)
This user-friendly guide, written by three seasoned NLP Master Practitioners and coaches, leads you on a personal journey in using and applying NLP in everyday life. Through their real-life stories,... more
Introducing NLP includes:
- How to create rapport with others
-... more
Think and Grow Rich reveals the secrets that can bring you fortune. By suppressing negative thoughts and keeping your focus on... more

Daymond JohnThe main takeaway from [this book] was goal-setting. It was the fact that if you don't set a specific goal, then how can you expect to hit it? (Source)

Mark Moses[ listing the books that had the biggest impact on him] (Source)
Anthony Robbins has called it "an incredibly powerful tool." Time magazine described it as "an all-purpose self-improvement program and technology." Now you can learn the powerful secrets of Neuro-Linguistic Programming -- or NLP -- a practical, scientifically tested method of changing the way you think and behave faster and more easily than ever before.
With NLP training you can take total control of your mind/body machine and:
Wipe out irrational fears
Gain lasting self-esteem almost instantly
Change... more
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Charlamagne Tha GodThese are the books I recommend people to listen to on @applebooks. (Source)

Marvin LiaoMy list would be (besides the ones I mentioned in answer to the previous question) both business & Fiction/Sci-Fi and ones I personally found helpful to myself. The business books explain just exactly how business, work & investing are in reality & how to think properly & differentiate yourself. On the non-business side, a mix of History & classic fiction to understand people, philosophy to make... (Source)

Ryan HolidayThere is no living writer (or person) who has been more influential to me than Robert Greene. I met him when I was 19 years old and he’s shaped me as a person, as a writer, as a thinker. You MUST read his books. His work on power and strategy are critical for anyone trying to accomplish anything. In life, power is force we are constantly bumping up against. People have power of over us, we seek... (Source)

Dominic D'AgostinoI liked it so much, I bought it and I gave it to all my lifting buddies. (Source)

Cristina RiesenFirst, a word on career paths. In time, I realised that career paths are like one-way streets. Magic happens in unexplored territories. Plus life is how you choose to live every moment, every day. So today, rather than building a career, I prefer to make lateral moves in life, working with great people and being part of ambitious projects impacting the world. There are a few books that got me... (Source)

Haris SiddiqueThis book taught me to heal, create a better Inner Mind Conversation, communicate better with others and unleashed my real power. Finally, I felt courageous enough to bear the risks and challenges of starting my own business. (Source)

Derek SiversWhen I was 18, [this book] changed my life. (Source)

Brian KoppelmanThis book was the first of [Tony Robbins books] I read, and it asked me crucial questions about the stories I was telling myself that were limiting my growth. (Source)

Gennady BatrakovIn the business category, my #1 book is Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins. It has been over 20 years since I read the book for the first time. I reread it a few times since. I even keep extra copies of this book on my bookshelf to give away to my friends. Awaken the Giant Within has helped me in many ways. It aided me to deal with the habits I wanted to stay away from. It was easy to... (Source)
Joseph O'Connor, a leading international NLP trainer and co-author of the bestselling Introducing NLP, offers a stepbystep guide to learning the NLP methods and techniques to help you become the person you want to be in the NLP Workbook.
The NLP Workbook is a complete guide to NLP that includes:
How to create and achieve outcomes
How to choose your emotional state and shift... more
Richard Bandler – the world-renowned co-creator of NLP who has helped millions around the world change their lives for the better – has teamed up with Italian NLP Master Trainer Alessio and co-founder of the Irish Institute of NLP Owen, to craft a simple yet engaging story of one man’s personal change and discovery, to help readers understand the remarkable principles of... more
Don't have time to read the top NLP books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Get the Life You Want is Richard Bandler at his best, sharing his remarkable insights, his controversial signature wit,... more
Malcolm Gladwell redefined how we understand the world around us. Now, in Blink, he revolutionizes the way we understand the world within. Blink is a book about how we think without thinking, about choices that seem to be made in an instant - in the blink of an eye - that actually aren't as simple as they seem. Why are some... more

Mike ShinodaI know most of the guys in the band read [this book]. (Source)

Marillyn HewsonCEO Marilyn Hewson recommends this book because it helped her to trust her instincts in business. (Source)

Cat Williams-TreloarThe books that I've talked the most about with friends and colleagues over the years are the Malcolm Gladwell series of novels. Glorious stories that mix science, behaviours and insight. You can't go wrong with the "The Tipping Point", "Outliers", "Blink" or "David & Goliath". (Source)
Do you work and live with people who are hard to convince? Who dismiss ideas before even thinking about them?
Do you want to know how to influence people, without being manipulative?
Want to find out how people get motivated, make decisions, to be more persuasive with everyone?
Learn how to use the right words with the right people, and get through the “Communication Wall”
Have you ever felt like you were talking to a wall? Well, that’s a very... more
This manual is unique in that it teaches you powerful processes for change. It demonstrates the "how to's" of identifying and changing beliefs through scripts from personal work actually done with individuals in workshops. These processes include Reimprinting, Conflict Integration, Belief/Reality Strategies, Visualization and Criteria Identification, and as you will learn,... more
Get More of the Important Things Done--Today!
There just isn't enough time for everything on our to-do list--and there never will be. Successful people don't try to do everything. They learn to focus on the most important tasks and make sure those get done. They eat their frogs.
There's an old saying that if the first thing you do each morning is eat a live frog, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you're done with the worst thing you'll have to do all day. For Tracy, eating a frog is a metaphor for tackling your most challenging task--but also the... more

Raul PachecovegaI recently finished reading @BrianTracy's "Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time". It took me FOREVER to finish his book (hard to eat THAT frog, I'm sorry Brian!) but if there's ONE frog I always eat is: MAKING MY BED IN THE MORNING. (Source)
As Gottlieb explores the inner chambers of her patients' lives -- a self-absorbed Hollywood producer, a young newlywed diagnosed with a terminal illness, a senior citizen threatening to end her life on her... more

Arianna HuffingtonThis is a daring, delightful, and transformative book. Lori Gottlieb takes us inside the most intimate of encounters as both clinician and patient and leaves us with a surprisingly fresh understanding of ourselves, one another, and the human condition. Her willingness to expose her own blind spots along with her patients’ shows us firsthand that we aren’t alone in our struggles and that maybe we... (Source)

Oliver BurkemanGottlieb is a journalist and a writer, but she’s a working psychotherapist, and this is the story of a crisis in her own life, intertwined with a whole cast of characters based on her patients. They ring so incredibly true. (Source)

Andrea BarberMy new favorite book 😍😍 @LoriGottlieb1 https://t.co/7iQsEH7sDa (Source)
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This one of the abilities Dr. Joe Dispenza offers in this revolutionary book: a set of tools that allow ordinary people to reach extraordinary states of being.
Dr. Joe, author of the New York Times bestseller You Are The Placebo draws on up-to-the-minute research in... more
Packed with examples and exercises, Natural... more
In addition to a new slant to every chapter, there are three new chapters on the key things that make the biggest difference for the greatest results:
Humour: enabling you to stand back and see things from a different perspective
Clean questions: minimising yourself to find out the essence of the other person
Time: understanding how what you get in life is influenced by your... more
316 pp. "Psychotherapy is all things to all people in this mega-selling pop-psychology watershed, which features a new introduction by the author in this 25th anniversary edition. His agenda in this tome, which was first published in 1978 but didn't become a bestseller until 1983, is to reconcile the psychoanalytic tradition with the conflicting cultural currents roiling the 70s. In the spirit of Me-Decade individualism and libertinism, he celebrates self-actualization as life's highest... more

Iulian StanciuIt helps you take a deeper look and understand why certain things happen in your life. It's an introduction to psychology. It helps you divide a person, just like you would do with a mathematical equation. (Source)
Building on the astonishing success of The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle presents readers with an honest look at the current state of humanity: He implores us to see and accept that this state, which is based on an erroneous identification with the egoic mind, is one of dangerous insanity.
Tolle tells us there is good news, however. There is an alternative to this potentially dire situation. Humanity now, perhaps more than in any previous time, has an opportunity to create a new, saner, more loving world. This will involve a radical inner leap from the current... more

Abid ZaidiDay 1 : #30Days of posting cover of books I love (1 book a day for 30 days). No expectations, no reviews, just the covers #MyFavouriteBooks Not invited by @rekha_bhardwaj ji or @virtual_opinion but still posting: 😊 https://t.co/rDKfaLADsm (Source)

Patricia Reed"The Power of Now", by Eckhart Tolle, as well as "A New Earth". Understanding the ego, and being able to separate it from self, is a powerful thing. It has changed my outlook on people and situations, and made me able to see my inner critic for what it is, and choose how I want to engage or respond to situations. (Source)

Catherine MolloyI am an experiential learner I need to see it, feel it, etc. so the book must move me to do something, feel something. With A New Earth I even read snippets to my students as I have experienced a lot of these concepts and write and train in similar concepts. (Source)
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thinking and living in a radically different way. Conversations with Richard Bandler recounts Owen Fitzpatrick's journey to discover the true nature of personal freedom and what is possible for the human spirit. Through his conversations with his mentor, Richard Bandler, and drawing on his own personal and professional adventures across the world, he takes you on a thought-provoking voyage of discovery.
Today, many have become trapped in fear, anxiety,... more
Richard Bandler – the world-renowned co-creator of NLP who has helped millions around the world change their lives for the better – has teamed up once again with Italian NLP Master Trainer Alessio and co-founder of the Irish Institute of NLP Owen, to offer a simple yet engaging introduction to the groundbreaking ideas of NLP.
Written in the form of a fable, How To Take... more
Since 1960, Maxwell Maltz's Psycho-Cybernetics has sold millions of copies in dozens of editions and gained the loyalty of generations of artists, athletes, and high achievers who atrribute their success to the book's mind-conditioning program. Maltz's avowed admirers ranged from artist Salvatore Dali to first lady Nancy Reagan to actress Jane Fonda. Now -- in the only edition featuring Maltz's... more

Patrick Betdavid@RomeoRazi Bad title, great book. (Source)
In this classic, the world's expert on language and mind lucidly explains everything you always wanted to know about language: how it works, how children learn it, how it changes, how the brain computes it, and how it evolved. With deft use of examples of humor and wordplay, Steven Pinker weaves our vast knowledge of language into a compelling story: language is a human instinct, wired into our brains by evolution. The Language Instinct received... more

Simon Baron-CohenIt’s a really wonderful example of what you can do: take research into something as fundamental to human nature as language and make it accessible to a wide audience. (Source)

Lane GreeneThere are two achievements in this book. One is to smuggle Linguistics 101 into a popular book, which is just fantastic. The other is his own argument about the nature of language, and the title says it all. (Source)

Mira KirshenbaumIf therapy is about change, not insight, then in some important way you’re not tethered to reality (Source)
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Once upon a time Martians and Venusians met, fell in love, and had happy relationships together because they respected and accepted their differences. Then they came to Earth and amnesia set in: they forgot they were from different planets.
Based on years of successful counseling of couples and individuals, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus has helped millions of couples transform their relationships. Now viewed as a modern classic, this phenomenal book has helped men and women realize how different they really are and how to communicate their needs in such a way that...
moreThe book mentions fundamental facts to know about worry and magic formula for solving worry-some situations.
Psychologists & Doctors' view:
Worry can make even the most stolid person ill.
Worry may cause nervous breakdown.
Worry can even cause tooth decay
Worry is one of the factors for High Blood Pressure.
Worry makes you tense and nervous and affect the nerves of your... more

Terry CrewsSuch a great book. (Source)

Ola OlusogaThere was a moment where I was on a quest for self-discovery. I felt lost and wasn't sure if I was who I was because I made the decision to be me, or if my identity was programmed by culture, society and setting. Because of that, I started reading self-help books to reconstruct identity and mold who I wanted to be. This book helped me. (Source)
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Austin KleonWhile re-reading Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s wonderful book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, I came across this passage on working crossword puzzles. I think he could just as well be talking about making blackout poems: "There is much to be said in favor of this popular pastime, which in its best form resembles the ancient riddle contests. It is inexpensive and portable, its challenges... (Source)

Tom ChatfieldThe notion of flow is the idea that there is a state that is characterised by complete immersion in an activity, by a constant response to stimuli, and a perfect match between your ability and the challenge in front of you. (Source)
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the psychology of excellence. It is based on the practical skills that are used by all good communicators to obtain excellent results. These skills are invaluable for personal and professional development.
NLP provides most, if not all, of the skills necessary to become a full time coach or a manager who coaches. This book will... more
Learning Basics and Linear Models
From Linear Models to Multi-layer Perceptrons
Feed-forward Neural Networks
Neural Network Training
Features for Textual Data
Case Studies of NLP Features
From Textual Features to Inputs
Language Modeling
Pre-trained Word Representations
Using Word Embeddings
Case Study: A Feed-forward Architecture for Sentence Meaning Inference
Ngram Detectors: Convolutional Neural Networks
Recurrent Neural Networks: Modeling Sequences... more
Do you sabotage your own happiness and success? Are you struggling to make sense of yourself? Do your emotions sometimes dictate your life?
Dr. Steve Peters explains that we all have a being within our minds that can wreak havoc on every aspect of our lives—be it business or personal. He calls this being "the chimp," and it can work either for you or against you. The challenge comes when we try to tame the chimp, and persuade it to do our bidding.

Stuart Mcmillan@TheKurtHester Little know fact this side of the Atlantic: the athlete here is Dr. Steve Peters - very well-known and respected sport psychologist, and author of what I believe to be the best sport psych book for coaches & athletes - ‘The Chimp Paradox’ (Source)
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Features contributions by the top researchers in the field, reflecting the work that is driving the discipline forward Includes an introduction to the major theoretical issues in these fields, as well as the central engineering applications that the work has produced Presents the major developments in an accessible way, explaining the close connection between scientific understanding of the computational properties of... more
In this updated edition of Lakoff and Johnson's influential...

Kate RaworthI became aware of all the metaphors embedded in the way I speak and, therefore, the way I think about what is and what isn’t possible. (Source)
"This collection amounts to a retrospective exhibition of a working life. . . . Bateson has come to this position during a career that carried him not only into anthropology, for which he was first trained, but into psychiatry, genetics, and communication theory. . . . He . . .... more

Derek SiversGreat, little book [...] that I highly recommend. (Source)
Karen Pryor's clear and entertaining explanation of behavioral training methods made Don't Shoot the Dog! a bestselling classic. Now this revised edition presents more of her insights into animal—and human—behavior.
A groundbreaking behavioral scientist and dynamic animal trainer, Karen Pryor is a powerful proponent of the principles and practical uses of positive reinforcement in teaching new behaviors. Here are the secrets of changing behavior in pets, kids—even yourself—without yelling, threats, force, punishment, guilt... more
Don't have time to read the top NLP books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Ryan HolidayIt probably seems weird to recommend books on pickup artists, pick pockets and con men (nor am I necessarily equating the three groups) but it fits. Though I would accept that most of what these guys do is tactical rather than strategic–they are still quite excellent at identifying opportunities and weaving such flawless, enveloping plans that the marks often have no idea that anything is... (Source)
Show your clients what they cannot see. Say to your clients what no one else would dare to say. And you will have all the clients you ever desire.
Whether you are a new coach or you already have a six-figure coaching practice, The Prosperous Coach will show you how to:

Karenyankovich Linkedin Marketing ExpertI love that book. https://t.co/SksyslbLrf (Source)
--from Radical Acceptance
Radical Acceptance
“Believing that something is wrong with us is a deep and tenacious... more

Timothy FerrissThis book was recommended to me by a PhD neuroscientist and is what finally helped me tame anger, one of my most destructive (and persistent) emotions. It’s easy to aim for 'successful' and be miserable. This book is the antidote. (Source)
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Psychological abuse leaves no bruises. There are no broken bones. There are no holes in the walls. The bruises, brokenness, and holes are held tightly within the target of the abuse. less
speak, it is also a different way of thinking about the way you function as a human being. Understanding your own meta-states within this model of self-reflexive consciousness is to enter into a
Using detailed examples at every step, you’ll learn how the MATTER Annotation Development Process helps you Model, Annotate, Train, Test, Evaluate,... more
This book explores the possibilities for recognizing and freeing ourselves from a destructive process of... more
A renowned expert in nonverbal communication, Paul Ekman led a revolution in our scientific understanding of emotions. In Emotions Revealed, he assembles his research and theories to provide a comprehensive look at the evolutionary roots of human emotions, including anger, sadness, fear, disgust, and happiness.
Drawing on decades of fieldwork, Ekman shows that emotions are deeply embedded in the human species. In the process, he answers such questions as: What triggers emotions and can we stop them? How does our body signal to others whether we are slightly sad or... more
Don't have time to read the top NLP books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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