Want to know what books Tony Robbins recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Tony Robbins's favorite book recommendations of all time.
Purity of mind leads inevitably to purity of life, to the precious love and understanding that should control our everyday acts and attitudes towards friends and foes.
But where must one look for guidance? How does one achieve purity of mind that alone brings happiness and confidence?
The author offers his clear answers in this book As A Man Thinketh. His words have helped millions for more than a century--and they continue to point the true way to a better life for a troubled... more

Tony RobbinsI’ve read this book more than a dozen times and often give it as a gift. (Source)
Too many of us are doing the former--and our lives are slipping away one day at a time. But what if we treated life like the gift that it is? What if we lived each day as though it were part of a bigger picture, a plan? That's what New York... more

Tony RobbinsThe people who have achieved greatness are not just lucky. They created and executed a plan, took massive action to get results, and were willing to adjust the course when the plan didn't work. While most people understand this in business, they don't always apply it to every area of their life. That’s why I recommend this book. It's a guide that will show you how to develop and utilize a clear... (Source)

John C. MaxwellIn this one-of-a-kind book, Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy explain exactly how to create a Life Plan. It will equip you to live your life on purpose, achieving what matters most in every aspect of your life. (Source)
Learn how curiosity, imagination, and exponential innovation are creating life without limits
Naveen Jain is leading disruptions today that will reshape the world—and beyond. From redefining civilian space exploration to creating a path to free energy to disrupting healthcare and education, Jain is at the forefront of the exponential technology developments that will forever change how we live and work. In Moonshots Jain reveals the secrets of the "super entrepreneur" mindset—the... more

Richard BransonEvery entrepreneur should read this book! (Source)

Tony RobbinsThis brilliant must-read book by Naveen Jain provides the key to unlocking the emerging new era of abundance, turning the page forever on the old and obsolete scarcity-driven mindset. Here is a powerful book that will give you the confidence to launch your own moonshot and solve any grand challenge you choose. (Source)

Vinod KhoslaIt only takes a few people―driven by belief and a strong internal compass―to materially change the landscape of the world. Moonshots shows you what it takes. Read this book to learn how to develop the mindset that can make anything happen. (Source)
Principles for Success distills Ray Dalio’s 600-page bestseller, Principles: Life & Work, down to an easy-to-read and entertaining format that’s accessible to readers of all ages. It contains the key elements of the unconventional principles that helped Dalio become one of the world’s most successful people—and that have now been read and shared by millions worldwide—including how to set... more

Mark CubanPrinciples is the book I wish I’d had as a young entrepreneur. (Source)

Tony RobbinsI found Principles to be truly extraordinary. (Source)

Bill GatesRay Dalio has provided me with invaluable guidance and insights. (Source)
Most people think productivity is about finding or saving time. But it's not. It's about making our time work for us. Just imagine having free time again. It's not a pipe dream.
In Free to Focus, New York Times bestselling author Michael Hyatt reveals to readers nine proven ways to... more

Tony RobbinsOne reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. No one understands this better than Michael Hyatt, and he's engineered a new, easy-to-follow approach to harness this power in his new book Free to Focus. (Source)

Cal NewportBusyness is meaningless. What matters is consistently executing the work that actually matters. This book shows you how. (Source)

Dave RamseyFree to Focus will push you to use your time well and to become a better version of the person you were created to be. (Source)

Tony RobbinsRecommended by on page 215 of Tools of Titans (Source)
Here are the indispensable and most renowned works, including “The American Scholar” (“our intellectual Declaration of Independence,” as Oliver Wendell Holmes called it), “The Divinity School Address,” considered... more

James MarcusThis book includes all of Emerson’s work, basically. If you buy this, you have it all in the palm of your hand, starting with Nature and going on for another 1,250 pages or so. (Source)

Dominic D'AgostinoI liked it so much, I bought it and I gave it to all my lifting buddies. (Source)

Cristina RiesenFirst, a word on career paths. In time, I realised that career paths are like one-way streets. Magic happens in unexplored territories. Plus life is how you choose to live every moment, every day. So today, rather than building a career, I prefer to make lateral moves in life, working with great people and being part of ambitious projects impacting the world. There are a few books that got me... (Source)

Haris SiddiqueThis book taught me to heal, create a better Inner Mind Conversation, communicate better with others and unleashed my real power. Finally, I felt courageous enough to bear the risks and challenges of starting my own business. (Source)

Tony RobbinsAnother book that I’ve read dozens of times. It taught me that if you change the meaning, you change everything. Meaning equals emotion, and emotion equals life. (Source)

Jimmy FallonI read it while spending ten days in the ICU of Bellevue hospital trying to reattach my finger from a ring avulsion accident in my kitchen. It talks about the meaning of life, and I believe you come out a better person from reading it. (Source)

Dustin Moskovitz[Dustin Moskovitz recommended this book on Twitter.] (Source)
William Strauss and Neil Howe posit the history of America as a succession of generational biographies, beginning in 1584 and encompassing everyone through the children of today. Their bold theory is that each generation belongs to one of four types, and that these types repeat sequentially in a fixed pattern. The vision of... more

Tony RobbinsWas gifted to [Tony Robbins] by Bill Clinton. (Source)
Don't have time to read Tony Robbins's favorite books? Read Shortform summaries.
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Think and Grow Rich reveals the secrets that can bring you fortune. By suppressing negative thoughts and keeping your focus on... more

Daymond JohnThe main takeaway from [this book] was goal-setting. It was the fact that if you don't set a specific goal, then how can you expect to hit it? (Source)

Mark Moses[ listing the books that had the biggest impact on him] (Source)
Why are some people and organizations more innovative, more influential, and more profitable than others? Why do some command greater loyalty from customers and employees alike? Even among the successful, why are so few able to repeat their success over and over?
People like Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Jobs, and the Wright Brothers might have little in common, but they all started with why. It was their natural ability to start with why that enabled them to inspire those around them and to achieve remarkable things.

Tony RobbinsThe basis of this book is so important to anyone looking to increase their influence, profits or impact. People won't truly buy into a product, service, movement, or idea until they understand the WHY behind it. When you start with the why, everything else falls into place. This book is so impactful, I consider it required reading. (Source)

Richard BransonToday is World Book Day, a wonderful opportunity to address this #ChallengeRichard sent in by Mike Gonzalez of New Jersey: Make a list of your top 65 books to read in a lifetime. (Source)

Tony HsiehOver the years he’s [] recommended well over 20 business books — including his own, the 2010 bestseller Delivering Happiness and you can always find what he’s currently reading atop his cluttered desk. Start with Why is amogst those titles. (Source)
After decades of research, world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., discovered a simple but groundbreaking idea: the power of mindset. In this brilliant book, she shows how success in school, work, sports, the arts, and almost every area of human endeavor can be dramatically influenced by how we think about our talents and abilities. People with a fixed mindset — those who believe that abilities are fixed — are less likely to flourish than those with a growth... more

Tony Robbins[Tony Robbins recommended this book on the podcast "The Tim Ferriss Show".] (Source)

Bill GatesOne of the reasons I loved Mindset is because it’s solutions-oriented. In the book’s final chapter, Dweck describes the workshop she and her colleagues have developed to shift students from a fixed to a growth mindset. These workshops demonstrate that ‘just learning about the growth mindset can cause a big shift in the way people think about themselves and their lives. (Source)

Dustin Moskovitz[Dustin Moskovitz recommended this book on Twitter.] (Source)
The Singularity Is Near portrays what life will be like after this event--a human-machine civilization where our experiences shift from real reality to virtual reality and where our intelligence becomes nonbiological and... more

Mark O'ConnellI wouldn’t be the first to look at him this way but I read Kurzweil’s work as essentially a work of religious mysticism. I think there’s no other way to read it, really. (Source)

Antonio EramThis book was recommended by Antonio when asked for titles he would recommend to young people interested in his career path. (Source)

Steve AokiIt opened me up to the idea of science fiction becoming science fact. (Source)
This personal and practical career book is destined to become a new business classic--an idea-fille... more

Neville MedhoraLots of great examples of businesses growing their existing revenue. (Source)

Eric RipertSpeaks of everyone having an ultimate goal in life, but most of us are too afraid to pursue it. The encouragement to fulfill your dreams is very inspirational! (Source)

Brené BrownThere's a great quote in [this book]: When you're on the right path the universe conspires to help you! (Source)
In 1975, Ray Dalio founded an investment firm, Bridgewater Associates, out of his two-bedroom apartment in New York City. Forty years later, Bridgewater has made more money for its clients than any other hedge fund in history and grown into the fifth most important private... more

Mark CubanThe book I wish I had as a young entrepreneur. (Source)

Tony RobbinsI found it to be truly extraordinary. Every page is full of so many principles of distinction and insights—and I love how Ray incorporates his history and his life in such an elegant way. (Source)

Bill GatesRay Dalio has provided me with invaluable guidance and insights that are now available to you in Principles. (Source)
From the author:
“For the last two years, I’ve interviewed nearly two hundred world-class performers for my podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show. The guests range from super celebs (Jamie Foxx, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc.) and athletes (icons of powerlifting, gymnastics, surfing, etc.) to legendary Special Operations commanders and black-market biochemists. For most of my guests, it’s the...

Tony RobbinsTim is a brilliant thinker. The way he approaches mastery is inspiring in many ways. His latest book is no exception. What I loved about Tools of Titans is that it distills key tactics, routines and habits of the ultra-successful in actionable ways that anyone can take advantage of. Highly recommended. Every chapter is a valuable lesson. (Source)

Marvin LiaoMy list would be (besides the ones I mentioned in answer to the previous question) both business & Fiction/Sci-Fi and ones I personally found helpful to myself. The business books explain just exactly how business, work & investing are in reality & how to think properly & differentiate yourself. On the non-business side, a mix of History & classic fiction to understand people, philosophy to make... (Source)

Kamal RavikantI’m reading Tools of Titans which is just amazing. (Source)
The problem isn't you. It's not that you're not hardworking, intelligent or deserving, but that you haven't yet installed the one key belief that will change everything: Everything is figureoutable.
Whether you want to leave a dead-end job, heal a relationship, grow a business, master your money, or just find two free hours in your day, Everything is... more

Tony RobbinsMaking the impossible possible has little to do with talent and almost everything to do with massive action. Everything Is Figureroutable turns you into the powerhouse you were born to be. This book will make you think, laugh and leap into action — often on the same page. If you ever wonder what separates those who dream from those who achieve, this book is your answer. (Source)

Oprah WinfreyMillions of young women look to Marie Forleo as their inspiration for empowerment and achievement. (Source)

Arianna HuffingtonIf you’re stuck or frustrated with any aspect of your life, take heart. With her trademark mix of warmth, intelligence and insightful advice, Marie Forleo shows us how, as the title says, everything is figureoutable. (Source)
Don't have time to read Tony Robbins's favorite books? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
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