Ranked #12 in Entrepreneurship, Ranked #12 in Startup — see more rankings.
Rework shows you a better, faster, easier way to succeed in business. Read it and you'll know why plans are actually harmful, why you don't need outside investors, and why you're better off ignoring the competition. The truth is, you need less than you think. You don't need to be a workaholic. You don't need to staff up. You don't need to waste time on paperwork or meetings. You... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Rework from the world's leading experts.

Jeff Bezos Founder/AmazonUnperturbed by conventional wisdom, [the authors] start fresh and rewrite the rules of business. Their approach turns out to be as successful as it is counter-intuitive. (Source)

Mark Cuban Entrepreneur / Shark TankIf given a choice between investing in someone who has read Rework or has an MBA, I'm investing in Rework every time. This is a must read for every entrepreneur. (Source)

Tony Hsieh CEO/Zappos.comThe wisdom in these pages is edgy yet simple, straightforward, and proven. Read this book multiple times to help give you the courage you need to get out there and make something great. (Source)

Jason Fried Co-Founder/BasecampRecommends this book

Seth Godin Author, Marketer, EntrepreneurThis book will make you uncomfortable. Depending on what you do all day, it might make you extremely uncomfortable. That's a very good thing, because you deserve it. We all do. Jason and David have broken all the rules and won. Again and again they've demonstrated that the regular way isn't necessarily the right way. They just don't say it, they do it. And they do it better than just about anyone has any right to expect. This book is short, fast, sharp and ready to make a difference. It takes no prisoners, spares no quarter, and gives you no place to hide, all at the same time. There, my... (Source)

Scott Rosenberg Co-Founder/Salon.comInspirational... Rework is a minimalist manifesto that's profoundly practical. In a world where we all keep getting asked to do more with less, the authors show us how to do less and create more. (Source)

William C. Taylor Founding Editor/Fast CompanyThe brilliance of Rework is that it inspires you to rethink everything you thought you knew about strategy, customers, and getting things done. Read this provocative and instructive book—and then get busy reimagining what it means to lead, compete, and succeed. (Source)

Marius Ciuchete Paun The book strips the concepts of entrepreneurship, management, and leadership down to the basics, leaving you with just the refreshing essentials for how to do everything right. (Source)

Aaron Watson Question: What books would you recommend to young people interested in your career path? Answer: Purple Cow by Seth Godin End of Jobs by Taylor Pearson Rework by Jason Fried & DHH Trust Me I’m Lying by Ryan Holiday The Complacent Class by Tyler Cowen The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries and Jack Trout Losing My Virginity by Richard Branson (Source)

AnneMarie Schindler I suggest these [books] because they really open up 'how' you think about life and in turn work, success/challenges/setbacks, and in general, yourself. I believe that the more you can understand yourself and broaden your approach to work, the easier it will be to find work that energizes you. Finally, I'm a team player at heart, and love working with others to achieve a huge goal so a portion of these deal with team composition and performance too. (Source)

Andrew Elliott My favorite business book has got to be Rework by the guys at Basecamp (formerly 37Signals). The book is authored by David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried, who modified many of their essays from their popular blog, Signal v. Noise into a thought-provoking look into a new way to conduct business. I was originally introduced to the book after interviewing David for an article I was conducting on his motor racing aspirations (I used to be an automotive journalist in a past life). Since then, it has become one of my favorite books due to the approach that was taken in demonstrating their ideas... (Source)

Irina Botnari As for the business related one I’ll go with Rework by Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson. It made me reconsider almost everything I knew about strategy, sales & clients and many more. The book simply moves you out from your comfort zone and teaches probably the most important lesson: there isn’t such a thing like the right plan, you map out a plan and you make it perfect for you. (Source)

Joan Boixados No bullshit. (Source)

Louis Nyffenegger I think "Rework" really helped me change the way I think about product and services. I use to think that to compete you need a better product/services with more options/features/... It seems pretty obvious when you look at some products (like Apple). Having it written in a book and taking the time to read and think about it really helped me. (Source)

Andra Zaharia While I was thinking of the best books to add to this short list, I realized that not even half of them are directly related to digital marketing. This is because I believe that the best marketers are people who understand human nature deeply and aim to bring out the best in it. Call me naive, but that’s how I see it. If I were to want to pursue a career in marketing, I’d read [...] ReWork. (Source)

Mircea Scarlatescu Many, but here’s a short list, for both entrepreneurs and team leaders: The E-Myth by Michael E. Gerber Zero to One by Peter Thiel The Lean Startup by Eric Ries Scrum and XP from the Trenches by Henrik Kniberg ReWork – Jason Fried (Source)

Chris Anderson Jason Fried and David Hansson follow their own advice in Rework, laying bare the surprising philosophies at the core of 37signals' success and inspiring us to put them into practice. There's no jargon or filler here just hundreds of brilliantly simple rules for success. Part entrepreneurial handbook for the twenty-first century, part manifesto for anyone wondering how work really works in the modern age, REWORK is required reading for anyone tired of business platitudes. (Source)

Chris Anderson Jason Fried and David Hansson follow their own advice in Rework, laying bare the surprising philosophies at the core of 37signals' success and inspiring us to put them into practice. There's no jargon or filler here just hundreds of brilliantly simple rules for success. Part entrepreneurial handbook for the twenty-first century, part manifesto for anyone wondering how work really works in the modern age, REWORK is required reading for anyone tired of business platitudes. (Source)

Chris Anderson Jason Fried and David Hansson follow their own advice in Rework, laying bare the surprising philosophies at the core of 37signals' success and inspiring us to put them into practice. There's no jargon or filler here just hundreds of brilliantly simple rules for success. Part entrepreneurial handbook for the twenty-first century, part manifesto for anyone wondering how work really works in the modern age, REWORK is required reading for anyone tired of business platitudes. (Source)

Chris Anderson Jason Fried and David Hansson follow their own advice in Rework, laying bare the surprising philosophies at the core of 37signals' success and inspiring us to put them into practice. There's no jargon or filler here just hundreds of brilliantly simple rules for success. Part entrepreneurial handbook for the twenty-first century, part manifesto for anyone wondering how work really works in the modern age, REWORK is required reading for anyone tired of business platitudes. (Source)

Amir Salihefendic Recommends this book

Dmitry Dragilev Rework got me thinking a lot about working, and I only work 25 hours a week now, and I’ve been on this crusade to work less and less and less and be much more productive. I earn the most I’ve ever earned in my entire career, and it’s all due to books like [this], I think. (Source)

Mikhail Dubov A few books had a dramatic impact on how I work day to day [...] Rework. (Source)

Katie Keith An insider's view of building and running a software company. This book touches on lots of important points such as how to design your product in a way that meets users' needs while staying small and manageable, and running a modern distributed team. (Source)

Marin Gerov Rework - it is a great case study of a company called Basecamp that works in a calm manner with a long-term perspective in mind. (Source)

Vincenzo Ruggiero Probably the best business book that has been written. It’s so concise and so smart while being so easy to read. You can read it over and over again and the advices that are exposed will always blow your mind :) (Source)

Adam Lawrence It is a bible for entrepreneurs in the digital age. [...] I realized that I wasn't going to be Peter Thiel or Elon Musk and that I needed to change the way I think about business. (Source)
Rankings by Category
Rework is ranked in the following categories:
- #51 in Advertising
- #58 in Agile
- #57 in Agile Project Management
- #18 in Analysis
- #26 in Business
- #68 in Business Competition
- #33 in Business Development
- #82 in Business Economics
- #40 in Business Management
- #53 in Business Motivation
- #39 in Business Strategy
- #33 in CEO
- #41 in Career Guide
- #51 in Consulting
- #38 in Creative
- #48 in Creativity
- #29 in Devops
- #19 in Digital Marketing
- #13 in E-Commerce
- #15 in Growth Hacking
- #31 in Human Resources
- #46 in IT
- #20 in Information Technology
- #98 in Inspiration
- #39 in Internet
- #34 in Jobs
- #26 in Lean Management
- #94 in Lifestyle
- #58 in MBA
- #34 in Management
- #78 in Marketing
- #45 in Minimalism
- #36 in Organization
- #28 in Process
- #14 in Procrastination
- #16 in Product Design
- #47 in Product Management
- #30 in Productivity
- #33 in Project Management
- #13 in Recruiting
- #29 in Small Business
- #72 in Strategy
- #68 in Success
- #46 in Tech
- #47 in Technical
- #100 in Thinking
- #65 in Wealth