100 Best Etiquette Books of All Time
We've researched and ranked the best etiquette books in the world, based on recommendations from world experts, sales data, and millions of reader ratings. Learn more
Many who scoff at a book of etiquette would be shocked to hear the least expression of levity touching the Ten Commandments. But the Commandments do not always prevent such virtuous scoffers from dealings with their neighbor of which no gentleman could be capable and retain his claim to the title. Though it may require ingenuity to reconcile their actions with the... more

Max LevchinA now-venerable guide to having tough conversations in a way that engages the debaters. (Source)

Deke BridgesPicked up this great book @Powells to read. Better conversation and listening enables you to get deeper into subjects at hand. When talking with people, this makes your communication skills a very powerful tool. Always be learning. #growth #education #leadership https://t.co/r0ujX9IPqh (Source)
We attempt or avoid difficult conversations every day-whether dealing with an underperforming employee, disagreeing with a spouse, or negotiating with a client. From the Harvard Negotiation Project, the organization that brought you Getting to Yes, Difficult Conversations provides a step-by-step approach to having those tough conversations with less stress and more success. you'll learn how to:
? Decipher the underlying... more

Gabriel WeinbergThe books I keep coming back to are the ones where I took away lasting mental models. These include [...] Difficult Conversations (about negotiation models). (Source)

April Wensel@amyvpellegrini I really liked a book called Difficult Conversations. I also love the book Nonviolent Communication for conflicts. (Source)

Auren Hoffman@insta_eich i love the book! (Source)
What Not to Wear
from one of fashion's
most enduringly
stylish women ...
Written by French style guru Madame Genevieve Antoine Dariaux, Elegance is a classic style bible for timeless chic, grace, and poise -- every tidbit of advice today's woman could possibly need, all at the tips of her (perfectly manicured) fingers.From Accessories to Zippers, Madame Dariaux imparts her pearls of wisdom on all things fashion-related -- and also offers advice on other crucial areas in life from shopping with girlfriends (don't) to marriage and... more

Helena Frith PowellDariaux offers tips on elegance, which she divides up alphabetically. Under the letter L there are entries on leather, lingerie, luggage, luncheons and luxury. (Source)
In her debut book, Modern Etiquette Made Easy, the Queen of Good Manners Myka Meier takes formal etiquette that she learned while training under a former member of the Queen of England’s household and breaks it down into five easy steps to help you feel 100 percent confident in the areas of social, dining, business, and networking etiquette.
In this refreshingly entertaining etiquette guide, Myka combines her passion for etiquette... more
This classic guide, first published in 1952, has been fully updated to reflect the concerns of the modern reader. The advice that has made Amy Vanderbilt the first name in etiquette remains pertinent today. Here is the final word on buying and using stationery, responding to dinner invitations, hosting a party, and... more
The rules were simpler in bygone days, but technological changes have caused seismic shifts to the cultural landscape of 21st century. Do the rules of common courtesy still apply?
Social media and smart phones have shaped communication in unprecedented ways, and increased connection has created a global melting pot. Social norms that were once understood now feel uncertain. How should a sophisticated... more
Good manners aren’t just a quaint and old-fashioned concept. They’re an essential aspect of every young lady’s path to adulthood. It’s safe to say that today’s young woman is exposed to more opportunities than any generation of women in history, and these essential guidelines will help parents ensure that their daughters grow up to succeed in any situation.
Topics covered in 50 Things Every Young Lady Should Know include:
Making conversation with adults more
Don't have time to read the top Etiquette books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
Fourteen-year-old Sophronia is a great trial to her poor mother. Sophronia is more interested in dismantling clocks and climbing trees than proper manners--and the family can only hope that company never sees her atrocious curtsy. Mrs. Temminnick is desperate for her daughter to become a proper lady. So she enrolls Sophronia in Mademoiselle Geraldine's Finishing Academy for Young Ladies of Quality.
But Sophronia soon... more
Whether you're in Boston or in Phoenix, and whether you're a record producer or a dog groomer, the same quandaries can occur: Who goes through a revolving door first, a man or a woman? When is it polite to correct someone's mispronunciation of your name?... more
Do you want to have more fun?
Mr Tiger knows exactly how you feel. So he decides to go wild.
But does he go too far?
There is a time and place for everything...even going wild. less
* Think Twice Before Asking Favors
* Give Constructive Criticism
* Refrain from Idle Complaints
* Respect Others' Opinions
* Don't Shift Responsibility and Blame
*... more
In our fast-paced, electronic society, the most basic social interaction--talking face-to-face--can be a challenge for even the most educated and self-assured individuals. And yet making conversation is a highly practical skill: those who do it well shine at networking parties, interviews, and business lunches. Good conversation also opens doors to a happier... more

Kenneth BartlettThis is really a humanist neoplatonic study of the perfectibility of men and women. (Source)
I have heard the crying of your heart. I have seen the searching of your soul. I know how deeply you have desired the Truth. In pain have you called out for it, and in joy. Unendingly have you beseeched Me. Show Myself. Explain Myself. Reveal Myself.
I am doing so here, in terms so plain,... more

Yaro StarakI’m always going through Neale Donald Walsch’s series called “Conversations with God”. He’s got 9 books in his dialogue series; I’m always going through one of them. I love “Conversations with God” from Neale Donald Walsch. (Source)

Stephen LewConversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch is the top of the list. This series of books brought simple and amazing insights, initially I thought it was just another category of religious books (given the titles), and I didn’t like the idea of subscribing to organised religions due to the limitation of perspectives. However, this book opened “doors of perceptions” for me, and I was peeled to... (Source)

Travis Brewer[Travis Brewer said this is one of his most-recommended books.] (Source)
What should you do if you notice a stranger's dress is tucked up at the back? What are you meant to say if you are offered food you don't like at a dinner party? And what ought you to wear if you're invited to a ball? If these questions baffle you, fear not, for help is at hand with this beautiful, nostalgic guide. You don't need to live in the 19th century to agree that it is rude to finish someone else's... more
Don't have time to read the top Etiquette books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
Etiquette and social behavior of the early 1800s come to life in lovely chapters teaching one on how to pay and... more
Clinton Kelly won't just revamp your wardrobe -- he'll revamp your life!
The huddled masses yearn to be fabulous, and finally Clinton Kelly is heeding their call. As co-host of TLC's popular What Not to Wear, he regularly transforms dumpy fashion disasters into traffic-stopping, get-an-instant-promotion, reignite-the-passion-in-that- relationship makeovers. But fabulousness doesn't stop with style. Let's face it: you might look good, but if you're chomping on that crudité with your mouth wide open, nobody at the party will talk to you -- even if you can explain to...
moreFilled with wonderful detail and humor, children and their parents will love the expressions and antics of the eleven different dinosaur children depicted here, and each species is spelled out somewhere in the young dinosaur's bedroom. In the end, young dinosaurs behave a lot like people do: They give a big kiss, turn out the light, tuck in their tails, and whisper "good... more
Ever wondered what to do in polite society if you find an insect in your food? Or how a gentleman should ask a lady to dance? And what on earth is the etiquette for smoking cigars? First published in 1860, this classic guide to gentlemanly behavior is a veritable mine of information and indispensable advice for aspiring gentlemen. No matter if a man finds himself at home, in the street, or in a place of... more
Sophronia's first year at Mademoiselle Geraldine's Finishing Academy for Young Ladies of Quality has certainly been rousing! For one thing, finishing school is training her to be a spy--won't Mumsy be surprised? Furthermore, Sophronia got mixed up in an intrigue over a stolen device and had a cheese pie thrown at her in a most horrid display of poor manners.
Now, as she sneaks around the dirigible school, eavesdropping on... more
"The lost art of verbal communication may be revitalized by Leil Lowndes." -- Harvey McKay, author of "How to Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive"
What is that magic quality makes some people instantly loved and respected? Everyone wants to be their friend (or, if single, their lover!) In business, they rise swiftly to the top of the corporate ladder. What is their "Midas touch?"
What it boils down to is a more skillful way of dealing with... more

Derek SiversWonderful considerate book about conversational people skills. (Source)

Nicolas JouvenceauIn my career I spend a great chunk of time dealing with clients and people in general. Our environment today is different from what it was before, we spend a lot of time communicating via electronics that we actually lost some great deal of knowledge in human communication, things that we don’t really learn at school (we actually should), but which I believe are essential to communicating with... (Source)

Sarissa Rodriguez-SchwartzThat book is a great tool for networking and connecting with others. One of the most important tools I remember is to always speak to others about their jobs in the job "lingo" otherwise you come off as disrespectful and ignorant, immediately turning them off. [...] How to Talk to Anyone helped me change the way I see other people's careers, motives, and how to connect with that. I always say... (Source)
50 Things Every Young Gentleman Should Know is a young man’s guide to becoming the type of guy that people respect and enjoy. He knows how to shake hands. He knows how to be a good sport. He knows how to give a genuine compliment and how to speak his mind without being offensive. His friends listen to what he has to say, and he returns the favor. He knows how to achieve the perfect knot in a necktie, and more important, he knows when he should be wearing a tie in the first... more
First, she has no soul. Second, she's a spinster whose father is both Italian and dead. Third, she was rudely attacked by a vampire, breaking all standards of social etiquette.
Where to go from there? From bad to worse apparently, for Alexia accidentally kills the vampire--and then the appalling Lord Maccon (loud, messy, gorgeous, and werewolf) is sent by Queen Victoria to investigate.
With unexpected vampires appearing and expected vampires disappearing, everyone seems to believe... more
Better than Beauty resuscitates the long-lost art of charm with hints, tips, and tricks guaranteed to boost our charm quotient. First published in 1938, this classic compendium is overflowing with timeless advice to help guide you through a maze of social interactions with wit and finesse. Much more than an etiquette or personal grooming book, Better than Beauty tackles complicated social situations with delicacy.... more
Don't have time to read the top Etiquette books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.

Marissa MayerProud of our friend and neighbor Olivia Fox Cabane - her book 'The Charisma Myth' launched today and is already #122 of all books on Amazon. It went into its second printing even before launch! (Source)

Laura LangOlivia Fox Cabane offers hands-on advice and a practical guide to humanizing leaders without comprising integrity or authority. She focused on the ‘it’ factors that can make a real difference. (Source)

Dr. Monali Y. DesaiCurrently, my favorite business book is The Charisma Myth (Olivia Fox Cabane) because I feel it has so many small but impactful takeaways about improving how you communicate with others, I try to reread it once a year. (Source)
This idea, once controversial, is now supported by science, and has become widely popular among therapists around the world. In Hold Me Tight, Dr. Sue Johnson presents Emotionally Focused Therapy to the general public for the first time. Johnson teaches that the way to save and enrich a relationship is to reestablish safe emotional connection and preserve the... more
Some are for girls.
But this tea party is for a very special guest.
And it is important to follow some rules . . .
like providing comfortable chairs,
and good conversation,
and yummy food.
But sometimes that is not enough for special guests,
especially when their manners are more Cretaceous than gracious . . .
Introducing Tea Rex, a guest that just about any child would love to have to tea! less
You've watched him mentor talented designers on the hit television show Project Runway. Now the inimitable Tim Gunn shares his personal secrets for "making it work"—in your career, relationships, and life. Filled with delightfully dishy stories of fashion's greatest divas, behind-the-scenes glimpses of Runway's biggest drama queens, and never-before-revealed insights into Tim's private life, Gunn's Golden Rules is like no other how-to book you've ever read.
In the world according to Tim, there are no shortcuts to... more
Today's kids need a fresh approach to manners that resonates with them. A Kids' Guide to Manners goes beyond saying please and thank you with fun, practical lessons that bring manners into the modern world.
From meeting new people to being a courteous guest to texting a group of friends, kids will have fun as they learn to use manners in a way that will make their lives easier and more enjoyable. With... more

Cat Williams-TreloarI remember very fondly when I moved from Australia to the UK. The cultural differences were small, but there were still things I didn't understand such as why people talked about the weather or decorated bathrooms. In 2006 I bought "Watching the English" by Kate Fox. It was a treasure trove of explanations about British behaviour. It certainly kicked off an enjoyable five years in the UK. (Source)
We live in a world that's very different from the one in which Emily Post came of age. Many of us who are nice (but who also sometimes say "f*ck") are frequently at a loss for guidelines about how to be a good person who deals effectively with the increasing onslaught of rudeness we all encounter.
To lead us out of the miasma of modern mannerlessness, science-based and bitingly funny syndicated advice columnist Amy Alkon rips the doily off the manners genre and gives us a new set of rules for our twenty-first century lives.
With wit, style, and a dash of snark, Alkon... more
From somewhat classic queries:
* What do I wear to a job interview/felony trial/jacuzzi?
* Where does the soup spoon/seafood fork/butter knife go?
To comments on truly modern phenomena:
* Call waiting is like a child screaming for attention
* Leaky earphones are the equivalent of humming
To strictly... more
Don't have time to read the top Etiquette books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
Authors Kim Izzo and Ceri Marsh know first-hand that today’s young women require etiquette advice that speaks to their modern sensibilities. Yes, we girls need to know how to write a perfect thank-you note and set a... more
Whether a woman is a contractor, a stay-at-home mother, or a high-powered attorney, the suggestions in How to Be a Lady will cause others to think, "Wow! She's got it all together!"
If a lady is on a diet, she does not speak of it at the table. A lady never eats a meal while behind the wheel of a car. A lady makes it a point to know the names of the teams playing in the Super Bowl.
The roles women play in society today are drastically different than they were 25 years ago, and some of the rules are different as well. Patterned after the successful How to Be a...
moreillustrated guide to basic table manners for anyone--teenaged or not--who'd
like to dine correctly. More than a handbook on which fork to use, this small
volume explains how to be graceful and sociable when dining out and at home. less
For all those readers who dream about living in Regency England, The Jane Austen Handbook offers step-by-step instructions for proper comportment in the early nineteenth century. You'll discover:
How to Become an Accomplished Lady
How to Run a Great House
How to Indicate Interest in a... more
Developing good manners is an important investment in your future. They allow you to feel at ease in any situation--and give you the polish and confidence to become a leader. Etiquette expert Dorothea Johnson's essential dos and don'ts address both 21st-century and classic questions, including:
* acing job interviews
* giving confident handshakes
*... more
Just step out your door today and you will notice that poise is a rarity in our wired, fast-paced, and unmannerly world. As uncivil behaviors like flip-flops at Broadway shows and digital oversharing proliferate, this timely book reminds us of the quiet power of behaving with dignity, kindness, and grace. Jennifer Scott’s Parisian mentor,... more
Don't have time to read the top Etiquette books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
Letitia Baldrige is universally recognized as the country's leading authority on executive, domestic, and social manners. She began writing on manners and protocol during her diplomatic service in 1949, and she has been hailed on the cover of Time magazine as "America's leading arbiter of manners." Originally published in 1989, her Complete Guide to New Manners has now been thoroughly revised and updated to incorporate the...
moreOverwhelmed by the countless questions and details your wedding entails? Don't despair! The Knot Complete Guide to Weddings takes you step-by-step from your engagement to the big day, from the reception to the honeymoon. Inside you'll find checklists, worksheets, insider advice, and in-depth sections on:
How to personalize your wedding
Updated wedding etiquette more
When someone you know is hurting, you want to let her know that you care. But many people don’t know what words to use—or are afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing. This thoughtful, instructive guide, from empathy expert Dr. Kelsey Crowe and greeting card maverick Emily McDowell, blends well-researched,... more
Patiently and politely, Mr. Panda asks the animals he comes across if they would like a doughnut. A penguin, a skunk, and a whale all say yes, but they do not remember to say "please" and "thank you." Is anyone worthy of Mr. Panda's doughnuts?
Steve Antony has captured a cute panda, delightful animals hungry for doughnuts, and a manners lesson. With the black-and-white animals, plain backgrounds, and brightly colored doughnuts, Antony's art is bold, striking, and engaging. less
Lessons in the art of espionage aboard Mademoiselle Geraldine's floating dirigible have become tedious without Sophronia's sootie Soap nearby. She would rather thwart dastardly Picklemen, yet her concerns about their wicked intentions are ignored.
Who can she trust? Royal werewolf dewan? Stylish vampire Lord Akeldama? Only one thing is certain: a large-scale plot is under way. Sophronia must be ready to save her friends, her school, and all of London from disaster. less
Don't have time to read the top Etiquette books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
In NYC Basic Tips and Etiquette, Pyle reveals... more
Detailed timelines and worksheets for scheduling and budgeting
Planning and money-saving tips on everything from the dress to the music to the reception decor
8 tabbed dividers packed with visual inspiration, including more than 100 color photos of centerpieces, table settings, favors, and more
A perforated color swatch page for mixing and matching your own... more
While it's definitely more than just monster trucks, grilling and six-pack abs, true manliness is hard to define. The words macho and manly are not synonymous.
Taking lessons from classic gentlemen such as Benjamin Franklin and Theodore Roosevelt, authors Brett and Kate McKay have created a collection of the most useful advice every man needs to know to live life to its full potential.
This book contains a wealth of information that ranges from survival skills to social skills to advice on how to improve your character. Whether you are... more
Reese Witherspoon’s grandmother Dorothea always said that a combination of beauty and strength made southern women “whiskey in a teacup.” We may be delicate and ornamental on the outside, she said, but inside we’re strong and fiery.
Reese’s southern heritage informs her whole life, and she loves sharing the joys of southern living with practically everyone she... more
The completely revised and updated edition of the New York Times bestseller that addresses the topics men really need to know to succeed in business and in life.
The name “Emily Post” is synonymous with etiquette, good manners, and decorum—and, with this newly revised and updated 2nd Edition of the New York Times bestseller Essential Manners for Men, Peter... more
Endorsed by the Protocol School of Washington. less
Don't have time to read the top Etiquette books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
Today's weddings are more complicated than ever, with new traditions replacing old, and new relationships to consider as family life grows more complex. In this new edition, Peggy provides sensible solutions to wedding questions old and new, showing how to manage the big decisions and the little details with tact, consideration and confidence-- leaving you free to enjoy all of the happy times along the way!
With new chapters on the groom's involvement and incorporating today's... more
With humor and a bit of refreshing sass, Deborah devotes chapters to learning how to overcome the
Retaliating Tongue
Know-It-All Tongue
Belittling Tongue
Hasty Tongue more

Jessica Northeyshaw@TrevorBoller I just got this book. It was one of the messages in there. Was simplifying how I interpreted the prolouge but it really resonated with me. Glad it did with you too. <3 have an amazing day Trevor! https://t.co/ypsz8tZhkq (Source)
"The Essentials of Business Etiquette" offers 101 crucial etiquette tips for improving behavior when greeting, eating, and managing social media with customers, partners, coworkers, supervisors, and in other business relationships. Pachter covers such topics as distributing business cards, using the right profile photos on social media, email and smartphone etiquette, Skype interviewing, and using Twitter appropriately. more
Robert's Rules of Order is the book on parliamentary procedure for parliamentarians and anyone involved in an organization, association, club, or group and the authoritative guide to smooth, orderly, and fairly conducted meetings and assemblies.
This newly revised edition is the only book on parliamentary procedure to have been updated since 1876 under the... more
Socially anxious high school student Shoko Komi’s greatest dream is to make some friends, but everyone at school mistakes her crippling social anxiety for cool reserve! With the whole student body keeping their distance and Komi unable to utter a single word, friendship might be forever beyond her reach.
It’s time for the national health exam at Itan High, and the excitement of eye exams and height measurements have fanned the flames of competition for the unremarkable Makeru Yadano. She’s determined to beat... more
This easily accessible book focuses on those moments when knowing exactly what to say is both a challenge and important. From the light-hearted "how to react when your boyfriend gives you a blender as a gift" or "what to say when you run into another lady at a party wearing exactly the same dress" to the more serious "what to say to a friend who has had a miscarriage or to a friend who has suffered the sudden death of a parent."
As A Lady... more
Don't have time to read the top Etiquette books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
On the eve of her wedding to Nicholas Young, heir to one of the greatest fortunes in Asia, Rachel should be over the moon. She has a flawless Asscher-cut diamond from JAR, a wedding dress she loves more than anything found in the salons of Paris, and a fiance willing... more
"Living is like tearing through a museum. Not until later do you really start absorbing what you saw, thinking about it, looking it up in a book and remembering--because you can't take it all in at once."--Audrey Hepburn
On many occasions, Audrey Hepburn was approached to pen her autobiography, the definitive book of Audrey, yet she never agreed. A beloved icon who found success as an actress, a mother, and a humanitarian, Audrey Hepburn... more
Original B & W illustrations. less
No one suspected what—or who—they would find aboard that suspiciously empty train. Sophronia uncovers a plot that threatens to throw all of London into chaos and she must decide where her loyalties lie, once and... more
From athletes who shout obscenities on national television to surgeons who blast their favorite music while operating, from gang members who kill those who've "dissed" them to mourners who treat funerals casually, we trample over the rights of others in a savage pursuit of individual agendas. We have cashed in etiquette (yes, the "E... more
Don't have time to read the top Etiquette books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
Each chapter of Lessons from Madame Chic reveals a valuable secret Jennifer learned while under Madame Chic's tutelage: tips you can incorporate into your... more
For a live viewing of Chesley McLaren's illustrations you can visit The 4th Wall Gallery.
Click here for more info.
Minding your manners is an acquired skill, but what serves you well elsewhere could trip you up in Japan. Save yourself possible embarrassment with Etiquette Guide to Japan. An inside look at Japanese social graces, it answers all the questions of the thoughtful traveler. Extensive, specific information on Japanese business etiquette assists readers traveling to Japan for business.
Although often overshadowed by a modern facade, long–standing traditional aspects of Japan's culture still influence the country and almost everyone in it.... more
Don't have time to read the top Etiquette books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.