Ranked #1 in Agriculture, Ranked #1 in Customs — see more rankings.
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Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Omnivore's Dilemma from the world's leading experts.

Barry Estabrook Michael Pollan looks at food production through four meals. One is a fast-food meal, the other is an industrial-scale organic meal, then there is a small-scale organic meal and finally he actually goes out and either grows or kills, in the case of the meat, the entire meal himself. That is the narrative. (Source)

Gabriel Coarna Michael Pollan's "The Omnivore's Dilemma" --more precisely, the first 3rd of it-- was what first made me realize how badly the Earth, as an ecosystem, is out of balance. (Source)

Tristram Stuart He concludes that there is food out there that tastes good, is good for us and is good for the planet. (Source)

Paul Rozin Michael Pollan is an excellent journalist who specializes in the food domain.He proposes relying more on whole foods and less on processed foods, like Oreo Cookies. He argues that unprocessed foods are more nutritious, more wholistic and better for the environment. (Source)
Rankings by Category
The Omnivore's Dilemma is ranked in the following categories:
- #21 in 12th Grade
- #21 in 17-Year-Old
- #21 in 18-Year-Old
- #6 in Anthropology
- #10 in Awarded
- #24 in Biology
- #16 in Botany
- #11 in Children's Farm
- #1 in Commodities
- #1 in Commodities Trading
- #10 in Conversation
- #6 in Cooking
- #13 in Culture
- #20 in Current
- #19 in Current Affairs
- #2 in Diet
- #18 in Documentaries
- #5 in Earth Science
- #2 in Ecology
- #15 in Engineering
- #2 in Environment
- #4 in Environmental Science
- #3 in Environmental Studies
- #3 in Environmentalism
- #12 in Ethics
- #31 in Evolution
- #1 in Farming
- #12 in Fitness
- #1 in Food
- #1 in Food Science
- #26 in Game Changer
- #4 in Gin
- #3 in Health
- #1 in Healthy Cooking
- #13 in Humanity
- #5 in Hunting
- #34 in Important
- #48 in Interesting
- #26 in Journalism
- #43 in Knowledge
- #56 in Learning
- #47 in Life
- #69 in Life Changing
- #9 in Life Sciences
- #23 in Lifestyle
- #6 in Manners
- #19 in Most Influential
- #7 in Mushroom
- #18 in Nature
- #15 in Nerdy
- #24 in Nonfiction
- #3 in Nutrition
- #1 in Paleo Cooking
- #3 in Paleo Diet
- #12 in Plant
- #47 in Popular
- #50 in Popular Science
- #28 in Public Health
- #26 in Recent
- #27 in Science
- #30 in Scientific
- #16 in Social
- #29 in Social Sciences
- #32 in Sociology
- #1 in Sustainability
- #45 in Thought
- #62 in Thought-Provoking
- #1 in Vegan Cooking
- #33 in Veganism
- #4 in Vegetarian
- #4 in Wellness