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Her name was Henrietta Lacks, but scientists know her as HeLa. She was a poor Southern tobacco farmer who worked the same land as her slave ancestors, yet her cells—taken without her knowledge—became one of the most important tools in medicine. The first “immortal” human cells grown in culture, they are still alive today, though she has been dead for more than sixty years. If you could pile all HeLa cells ever grown onto a scale, they’d weigh more than 50 million metric tons—as much as a hundred Empire State Buildings. HeLa cells were vital for developing the polio vaccine; uncovered secrets... more
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Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks from the world's leading experts.

Carl Zimmer Yes. This is a fascinating book on so many different levels. It is really compelling as the story of the author trying to uncover the history of the woman from whom all these cells came. (Source)

A.J. Jacobs Great writer. (Source)
Rankings by Category
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is ranked in the following categories:
- #17 in 11th Grade
- #18 in 16-Year-Old
- #50 in 21st Century
- #5 in AA
- #9 in African
- #3 in African American
- #3 in African American History
- #14 in American History
- #54 in Americana
- #22 in Audio
- #9 in Awarded
- #5 in Bestseller
- #8 in Bibliography
- #2 in Biochemistry
- #7 in Biography
- #1 in Biology
- #2 in Biotechnology
- #3 in Book Club
- #2 in Broadway
- #1 in Cancer
- #33 in Capitalism
- #6 in Catalog
- #1 in Cell Biology
- #12 in Charisma
- #6 in Choices
- #26 in Class
- #17 in Controversial
- #21 in Creative
- #21 in Culture
- #28 in Current Affairs
- #3 in Diseases
- #17 in Doctor
- #23 in Documentaries
- #1 in Ethics
- #16 in Factual
- #28 in Game Changer
- #27 in Gender
- #3 in Genetics
- #13 in Graduate School
- #10 in Health
- #3 in Historical Nonfiction
- #12 in History
- #2 in History Of Science
- #2 in Human Body
- #6 in Human Rights
- #17 in Humanity
- #1 in Immunology
- #20 in Important
- #19 in Information
- #28 in Intellectual
- #52 in Interesting
- #7 in Journalism
- #8 in Journalists
- #14 in Justice
- #36 in Kindle
- #3 in Life Sciences
- #2 in Medical
- #2 in Medicine
- #3 in Microbiology
- #2 in Molecular Biology
- #8 in Mom
- #13 in Morality
- #3 in NPR
- #8 in Nerdy
- #5 in Nonfiction
- #25 in Nook
- #6 in Nursing
- #6 in Options
- #1 in Orange
- #30 in Perspective
- #1 in Pharmacy
- #9 in Philosophy Of Science
- #10 in Popular Science
- #15 in Poverty
- #1 in Public Health
- #8 in Racism
- #7 in Rated
- #20 in Real Life
- #37 in Reference
- #5 in Research
- #16 in Resilience
- #2 in STEM
- #3 in Science
- #5 in Science and Math
- #5 in Scientific
- #20 in Smart
- #31 in Social
- #31 in Social Sciences
- #22 in Social Work
- #58 in Sociology
- #23 in Strong Women
- #50 in Summer Reading
- #30 in Thought-Provoking
- #42 in To-Read
- #6 in True Stories
- #7 in True Story
- #37 in US History
- #9 in Women