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In ancient times the Rings of Power were crafted by the Elven-smiths, and Sauron, the Dark Lord, forged the One Ring, filling it with his own power so that he could rule all others. But the One Ring was taken from him, and though he sought it throughout Middle-earth, it remained lost to him. After many ages it fell by chance into the hands of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins.
From Sauron's fastness in the Dark Tower of Mordor, his power spread far and wide. Sauron gathered... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3) from the world's leading experts.

Reid Hoffman CEO/LinkedIn[The book] that I’ve most often read. (Source)

Elon Musk Founder/SpaceXAs a boy in Pretoria, Musk was un dersized and picked upon, a smart-aleck known as Muskrat. In his loneliness, he read a lot of fantasy and science fiction. “The heroes of the books I read, ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and the ‘Foundation’ series, always felt a duty to save the world,” he told me. (Source)

Philip Reeve This trilogy is the gold standard in terms of fantasy writing. (Source)

Philip Reeve This trilogy is the gold standard in terms of fantasy writing. (Source)

Chandini Jain [ on her favorite non-business book.] (Source)

Yaro Starak During the early days of my life, my mother read to me the classics, like “The Hobbit”, “The Lord of the Rings”, Enid Blyton, “The Land of the Faraway Tree”, “The Narnia Chronicles”, “The Neverending Story” . All these books were really important to me as a kid and they became just as important to me as an adult because I read through most of them again, for example (obviously) The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit and also The Narnia Chronicles. Went through all of those again and got something powerful out of them because you don’t realise as a child what kind of maybe more spiritual or... (Source)

Lucas Morales My favorite books are Tolkien’s the Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, and the Silmarillion. In fact these book hold a special place in my memory. In highschool I was so into Tolkien that I delved into linguistics on my own time. I was obsessed with Quenya (Tolkien’s elvish language). I combined that obsession with my mediocre skills as a programmer, and made a sort of dictionary/translator program. This was actually my first venturing into entrepreneurship, because in my naivety I thought I might be able to sell my software to fellow enthusiasts (the first movie was just coming out at the time). (Source)

Kyrylo Taranenko It’s impressive how Tolkien combined Edda with King Arthur legends and created a new fantasy classic. I love taking a peak behind the writer's curtain - it has helped me a lot with my understanding of content strategy. (Source)

Marin Gerov I just love the story and lore that Tolkien creates in his books. The expansive universe, storytelling, characters, world-building - it is something that always spurs my imagination. The book never fails to take me to Middle Earth when I read it. When I discovered the book I was in high school and I remember how several classmates and I were competing who would finish reading the full trilogy first. I think I won, but I cannot be sure :D It is also the first book I have read entirely in English, and I remember how proud I was of the achievement at the time (English not being my mother tongue). (Source)

Michal Ptacek My most favourite book is Godfather by Mario Puzo. [...] Another would be The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. (Source)
Rankings by Category
The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3) is ranked in the following categories:
- #42 in 20th Century
- #15 in Adult Fantasy
- #32 in Adventure
- #6 in Adventure Fantasy
- #12 in Adventure Fiction
- #10 in Author
- #17 in Bucket List
- #3 in Catalog
- #59 in Classic
- #16 in Collection
- #4 in Dramatic
- #2 in Elves
- #29 in Entertaining
- #28 in Entertainment
- #5 in Epic
- #8 in Epic Fantasy
- #9 in Evil
- #12 in Fantasy
- #13 in Fantasy Adventure
- #4 in Fantasy Epic
- #10 in Fantasy Fiction
- #18 in Fantasy Sci-Fi
- #19 in Fantasy Series
- #69 in Fiction
- #9 in Fiction Series
- #4 in Folio Society
- #56 in Fun
- #21 in Goodreads
- #6 in Heroes
- #5 in Leather Bound
- #67 in Life Changing
- #57 in Literature
- #13 in Long
- #10 in Magical Fantasy
- #6 in Medieval Fantasy
- #32 in Modern Classic
- #38 in Mom
- #13 in Most Influential
- #52 in Movie
- #45 in Movies
- #83 in Must-Read
- #18 in Mythical Creatures
- #17 in Nerdy
- #66 in Novel
- #32 in Old
- #46 in Popular
- #11 in Quest
- #9 in Rated
- #28 in Saga
- #21 in Sales
- #18 in Science Fiction Fantasy
- #17 in Time
- #2 in Tolkien
- #5 in Top Ten
- #14 in Trilogy
- #47 in UK
- #9 in Wizards