Ranked #1 in Braille, Ranked #2 in Young Teen — see more rankings.
It is the summer holidays, and one night Harry Potter wakes up with his scar burning. He has had a strange dream, one that he can't help worrying about...until a timely invitation from Ron Weasley arrives: to nothing less than the Quidditch World Cup!
Soon Harry is reunited with Ron and Hermione and gasping at the thrills of an international Quidditch match. But then something horrible happens which casts a shadow over everybody, and Harry in particular... less
Soon Harry is reunited with Ron and Hermione and gasping at the thrills of an international Quidditch match. But then something horrible happens which casts a shadow over everybody, and Harry in particular... less
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4) from the world's leading experts.

Big Structural Change @siriusclaw Azkaban ftw! Goblet is the worst of the series. Great book though. (Source)
Rankings by Category
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4) is ranked in the following categories:
- #5 in 21st Century
- #11 in 2nd Grade
- #11 in 3rd Grade
- #9 in 6th Grade
- #10 in 7-Year-Old
- #6 in 8-Year-Old
- #12 in 9-Year-Old
- #6 in Action
- #7 in Action Adventure
- #10 in Adaptation
- #7 in Addicting
- #6 in Adventure
- #2 in Adventure Fantasy
- #6 in Adventure Fiction
- #8 in Amazing
- #10 in Audio
- #5 in Candy
- #9 in Catalog
- #4 in Chapter
- #6 in Childhood
- #5 in Children's Chapter
- #4 in Children's Fantasy
- #10 in Children’s
- #5 in Clean
- #4 in Collection
- #8 in Cool
- #4 in Dragon
- #10 in Dutch
- #4 in Easy Reading
- #4 in English Writer
- #12 in Entertaining
- #13 in Entertainment
- #5 in Fantasy
- #4 in Fantasy Adventure
- #4 in Fantasy Fiction
- #4 in Fantasy Sci-Fi
- #5 in Fantasy Series
- #3 in Fiction Series
- #12 in Fire
- #7 in Friendship
- #5 in Fun
- #13 in Good Read
- #7 in Grace
- #6 in Growing Up
- #2 in Harry Potter
- #11 in Hebrew
- #5 in Heroes
- #4 in Hugo Award
- #5 in Karma
- #3 in Kinder
- #13 in Kindle Unlimited
- #11 in Legend
- #13 in Library
- #3 in Mage
- #3 in Magic
- #2 in Magical Fantasy
- #6 in Mermaid
- #8 in Middle School
- #4 in Modern Fantasy
- #4 in Movie
- #6 in Movies
- #3 in Mythical Creatures
- #3 in Nostalgia
- #14 in Novel
- #5 in Old
- #10 in Older Children
- #8 in Paperback
- #9 in Plot Twist
- #7 in Popular
- #8 in Possession
- #12 in Quest
- #13 in Rated
- #3 in Riddle
- #13 in Sadness
- #7 in Saga
- #8 in Science Fiction Fantasy
- #2 in Sequel
- #4 in Series
- #6 in Suspenseful
- #9 in Teen
- #4 in Teen Adventure
- #8 in Teen Boys
- #5 in Teen Fantasy
- #8 in Teen Fiction
- #5 in Tween
- #12 in Twins
- #4 in UK
- #12 in Used
- #9 in Victoria
- #5 in Witch
- #5 in Witchcraft
- #3 in Wizards
- #7 in Young Adult
- #2 in Young Adult Fantasy
- #7 in Young Adult Fiction
- #8 in Young Adult Series
- #3 in Young Reader
- #3 in Youth