Ranked #1 in Gaming, Ranked #1 in Puzzle — see more rankings.
At once wildly original and stuffed with irresistible nostalgia, READY PLAYER ONE is a spectacularly genre-busting, ambitious, and charming debut--part quest novel, part love story, and part virtual space opera set in a universe where spell-slinging mages battle giant Japanese robots, entire planets are inspired by Blade Runner, and flying DeLoreans achieve light speed.
It's the year 2045, and the real world is an ugly place.
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Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Ready Player One from the world's leading experts.

Steve Jurvetson A gift to all of my Apple II programming buddies from high school and Dungeons & Dragons comrades. (Source)

Brian Armstrong Co-founder & CEO/CoinbaseRecommends this book

Fabrice Grinda I have lots of books to recommend, but they are not related to my career path. The only one that is remotely related is Peter Thiel’s Zero to One. That said here are books I would recommend. (Source)

Brian Burkhart eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'theceolibrary_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_6',164,'0','1'])); The last novel I read was Ernest Cline’s “Ready Player One: A Novel,” because my buddy Mike Maddock said, “You gotta read this book!” And I tore it up. I read the whole book in less than two days. It’s something I wish everyone, including myself, did more of. (Source)

Katherine Isbister A mashup of eighties arcade-style games, and this very immersive VR, massively-multiplayer world imagined in the future. (Source)

Astro Teller So much fun. (Source)

Neal O'Gorman I'm not someone that chooses favourites, however, the most recent book that I got a lot out of and which, for me, spans both business and non-business is 'Ready Player One' by Ernest Cline. It was recommended by the VP of Labs at Unity as a book to help appreciate the potential of how virtual reality can impact our future. It certainly achieved that. There's no doubt that it helped my mind delve into the potential opportunities that VR will provide both for Artomatix (an AI for art creation company I helped co-found) and many other startups. It also is a fun read that references a lot of... (Source)

Dominic Steil [One of the books that had the biggest impact on .] (Source)
Rankings by Category
Ready Player One is ranked in the following categories:
- #45 in 13-Year-Old
- #5 in 2018
- #21 in 21st Century
- #54 in 8th Grade
- #32 in AA
- #16 in Abstract
- #12 in Action
- #13 in Action Adventure
- #6 in Adaptation
- #4 in Addicting
- #37 in Adult
- #19 in Adventure
- #30 in Adventure Fantasy
- #23 in Adventure Fiction
- #4 in Adventure Romance
- #6 in Audible
- #5 in Audio
- #31 in Author
- #25 in Awarded
- #42 in Bestseller
- #4 in Black Holes
- #47 in Book Club
- #22 in Boy
- #7 in Broadway
- #1 in Buzzfeed
- #22 in Candy
- #23 in Catalog
- #11 in Comedic
- #9 in Computer
- #30 in Cool
- #29 in Creative
- #30 in Current
- #3 in Cyberpunk
- #40 in Dad
- #8 in Dystopian
- #45 in End Of The World
- #10 in Entertaining
- #9 in Entertainment
- #23 in Fantasy Sci-Fi
- #47 in Fiction
- #31 in Finding Yourself
- #11 in Fun
- #52 in Funny
- #14 in Futurism
- #15 in Game Theory
- #1 in Games
- #53 in Gift
- #37 in GoT
- #40 in Good Read
- #21 in Hacking
- #17 in Happy
- #18 in Holiday Reading
- #38 in Human Nature
- #41 in Interesting
- #2 in Internet
- #5 in Introvert
- #11 in Kindle
- #9 in Library
- #7 in Light
- #8 in LitRPG
- #52 in Movies
- #1 in Nerdy
- #40 in Nostalgia
- #6 in Online
- #14 in Orange
- #37 in Page-Turner
- #42 in Paperback
- #42 in Popular
- #28 in Post-Apocalyptic
- #51 in Quarantine
- #3 in Quest
- #13 in Recent
- #11 in Recommended
- #5 in Reviewed
- #2 in Riddle
- #21 in Robot
- #6 in Robotics
- #13 in Sci-Fi Horror
- #4 in Science Fiction
- #16 in Science Fiction Fantasy
- #47 in Signed
- #43 in Smart
- #34 in Soul
- #3 in St. Paul
- #19 in Suspenseful
- #4 in Syfy
- #44 in Tech
- #13 in Technology
- #11 in Teen Adventure
- #2 in Teen Boys
- #39 in Top Ten
- #13 in Trade
- #8 in Twist
- #14 in Utopian
- #9 in Vacation
- #3 in Video
- #1 in Video Games
- #45 in Young Adult