Ranked #2 in 2015, Ranked #6 in New York — see more rankings.
Over the decades, their relationships deepen and darken, tinged by addiction, success, and pride. Yet their greatest challenge, each comes to... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of A Little Life from the world's leading experts.
Soman Chainani The greatest work of fiction I’ve ever read, with the simplest theme: All of us come with baggage and wounds and pain; all of us. (Source)
Jane Mcgonigal @rhondakap @kellymcgonigal If you haven't read this only read it if you want to be emotionally brutalized. Virtuoso portrayal of compassion but Jesus you could not make worse things happen to your characters. Almost sadistic. Amazing book but traumatic read (Source)
Ella Botting This may be the best book I’ve ever read. It’s a long old book and I bloody love a long book. I don’t possess the vocabulary to describe this book - it was so good, but I’d say it was an intricate analysis of the character’s daily lives and their daily lives are hella intense at times. This booked reminded me that while success in the workplace is very important to me, so is the time spent with loved ones. All three of those books have both drastically changed the way I see things and helped me in my career and personal journey. They also taught me in varying ways that I really can accomplish... (Source)
Rankings by Category
A Little Life is ranked in the following categories:
- #71 in 21st Century
- #92 in AA
- #84 in Abuse
- #73 in Addiction
- #96 in American
- #66 in Anxiety
- #47 in Awarded
- #90 in Beautiful
- #30 in Business Communication
- #7 in Buzzfeed
- #59 in Contemporary
- #93 in Current
- #44 in Depression
- #68 in Friendship
- #16 in Gay
- #82 in Grief
- #26 in Heartbreak
- #15 in LGBT
- #65 in Literary
- #15 in Loneliness
- #41 in Long
- #76 in Mental Health
- #9 in New York City
- #50 in New York Times Bestseller
- #18 in Options
- #13 in PTSD
- #55 in Quarantine
- #89 in Roman
- #45 in Sad
- #81 in Self-Awareness
- #78 in Smart
- #21 in Suicide
- #19 in Trauma