Experts > Yanik Silver
Yanik Silver's Top Book Recommendations
Want to know what books Yanik Silver recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Yanik Silver's favorite book recommendations of all time.
An inspiring guide to finding your life's purpose--what spiritual teachers call dharma--through mindfulness and self-exploration.
Stephen Cope says that in order to have a fulfilling life you must discover the deep purpose hidden at the very core of your self. The secret to unlocking this mystery, he asserts, can be found in the pages of a two-thousand-year-old spiritual classic called the Bhagavad Gita--an ancient allegory about the path to dharma, told through a timeless dialogue between the fabled archer, Arjuna, and his divine mentor, Krishna. Cope takes... more
Stephen Cope says that in order to have a fulfilling life you must discover the deep purpose hidden at the very core of your self. The secret to unlocking this mystery, he asserts, can be found in the pages of a two-thousand-year-old spiritual classic called the Bhagavad Gita--an ancient allegory about the path to dharma, told through a timeless dialogue between the fabled archer, Arjuna, and his divine mentor, Krishna. Cope takes... more

Yanik SilverI like books maybe that not everyone has read, so the one that I would recommend is called "The Great Work of Your Life". (Source)
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