Want to know what books Vince Vaughn recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Vince Vaughn's favorite book recommendations of all time.

Gretchen RubinI copied Franklin in my own book. He believed that we all could determinately sit down and come up with practical steps to make changes in our life. He identified 13 virtues that he wanted to imbue in himself and made a weekly chart to help him track his daily progress. I copied my resolutions chart from him. (Source)

Cory Booker[The author] didn’t mean to write his autobiography. He wanted to write a note to his family about what he’d learned in his experiments. (Source)

Brandon StantonOne of the very first books that I read. (Source)
This modern classic is the story of intransigent young architect Howard Roark, whose integrity was as unyielding as granite...of Dominique Francon, the exquisitely beautiful woman who loved Roark passionately, but married his worst enemy...and of the fanatic denunciation unleashed by an enraged society against a great creator. As fresh today as it was then, Rand's provocative novel presents one of the most challenging ideas... more

Travis KalanickIt’s one of my favorite books. (Source)

Noah KaganA few months ago, I was drinking a Noah’s Mill whiskey (cute) with my good buddy Brian Balfour and talking about life... During the conversation, we got on the topic of books that changed our lives. I want to share them with you. I judge a book's success if a year later I'm still using at least 1 thing from the book. (Source)
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