Experts > Stuart Cantrill

Stuart Cantrill's Top Book Recommendations

Want to know what books Stuart Cantrill recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Stuart Cantrill's favorite book recommendations of all time.

An in-depth look at how elements are discovered, why they matter and where they will take us.

The science of element discovery is a truly fascinating field, and is constantly rewriting the laws of chemistry and physics as we know them. Superheavy is the first book to take an in-depth look at how synthetic elements are discovered, why they matter and where they will take us. From the Cold War nuclear race to the present day, scientists have stretched the periodic table to 118 elements. They have broken the rules of the periodic table, rewriting the science we're...
Recommended by Stuart Cantrill, and 1 others.

Stuart CantrillIt's a great book, and a signed copy would be even better... - tell @ChemistryKit what you would name a new element and why and you're in with a chance! (Source)

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