Want to know what books Steve Sanchez recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Steve Sanchez's favorite book recommendations of all time.
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Reid HoffmanReid read Carl von Clausewitz and Sun Tzu as a boy, which informed his strategic thinking. (Source)

Neil deGrasse TysonWhich books should be read by every single intelligent person on planet? [...] The Art of War (Sun Tsu) [to learn that the act of killing fellow humans can be raised to an art]. If you read all of the above works you will glean profound insight into most of what has driven the history of the western world. (Source)

Evan SpiegelAfter meeting Mark Zuckerberg, [Evan Spiegel] immediately bought every [Snapchat] employee a copy of 'The Art Of War'. (Source)

Dominic D'agostinoMany of you may have read the book "Tripping Over the Truth" by Travis Christofferson. I had the honor of writing the foreword to that book. Travis' New book "Curable" is an amazing story that you will find engaging and highly informative. Check it out! https://t.co/HJjURaCinu (Source)

Steve SanchezNew book explores the depth of the process it took for Jesus to be born and how he provided redemption to humanity. Jesus entered state of love and light that had never existed before; He who is highest enters the innermost, sets pattern for all from love https://t.co/heoqvFXBTp https://t.co/97IWhMGkox (Source)
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