Want to know what books Salley Vickers recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Salley Vickers's favorite book recommendations of all time.

Penelope Fitzgerald | 3.45
Alternative cover editions for this ISBN can be found here and here
In the small East Anglian coastal town of Hardborough, Florence Green decides, against polite but ruthless local opposition, to open a bookshop.
Hardborough quickly becomes a battleground – for Florence has tried to change the way things have always been done. As a result, she has to take on not only the people who have made... more Alternative cover editions for this ISBN can be found here and here
In the small East Anglian coastal town of Hardborough, Florence Green decides, against polite but ruthless local opposition, to open a bookshop.
Hardborough quickly becomes a battleground – for Florence has tried to change the way things have always been done. As a result, she has to take on not only the people who have made themselves important, but natural and even supernatural forces too. Her fate will strike a chord with anyone who knows that life has treated them with less than justice. less See more recommendations for this book...
Winner of the 1933 Femina Vie Heureuse Prize, COLD COMFORT FARM is a wickedly funny portrait of British rural life in the 1930s. Flora Poste, a recently orphaned socialite, moves in with her country relatives, the gloomy Starkadders of Cold Comfort Farm, and becomes enmeshed in a web of violent emotions, despair, and scheming, until Flora manages to set things right. more Winner of the 1933 Femina Vie Heureuse Prize, COLD COMFORT FARM is a wickedly funny portrait of British rural life in the 1930s. Flora Poste, a recently orphaned socialite, moves in with her country relatives, the gloomy Starkadders of Cold Comfort Farm, and becomes enmeshed in a web of violent emotions, despair, and scheming, until Flora manages to set things right. less 
Salley VickersGibbons gives you a wickedly funny pastiche of all the possible psychological complaints…hysteria, paranoia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sexual repression and it’s opposite. (Source)
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An alternate cover edition for this ISBN can be found here and here and here.
Introduction and Notes by Lionel Kelly, Senior Lecturer in English, University of Reading Transplanted to Europe from her native America, Isabel Archer has candour, beauty, intelligence, an independent spirit and a... more An alternate cover edition for this ISBN can be found here and here and here.
Introduction and Notes by Lionel Kelly, Senior Lecturer in English, University of Reading Transplanted to Europe from her native America, Isabel Archer has candour, beauty, intelligence, an independent spirit and a marked enthusiasm for life. An unexpected inheritance apparently gives her freedom, but despite all her natural advantages she makes one disastrous error of judgement and the result is genuinely tragic. less 
Katie KitamuraMarriage as a social institution, marriage as a form of power—these are at the heart of the story here. (Source)

Salley VickersThe lesson here is that however much freedom you think you have, you haven’t really got it if your instincts are not free. (Source)
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Charles Dickens, Margaret Cardwell, Kate Flint | 4.04
“Bütün ingilis dünyası Dikkensi sevir; 19-cu əsrdə dünyanın heç bir yerində yazıçı ilə onun xalqı arasında bu dərəcədə dərin qəlbi bağlılıq olmayıb. Bu məşhurluq bir fişəng kimi qəfil partlamış, ancaq heç vaxt sönməmişdir. Dikkens günəş kimi daim dünyaya öz şəfəqlərini saçacaq”. Ştefan Svayq
Dikkens uşaq yaşlarında səfil həyat tərzi sürüb. Bu iztirablı tale onun bütün yaradıcılığında əks olunub. Onun qəhrəmanlarının əksəriyyəti kasıb, köməksiz, yetim uşaqlardır. Ancaq o bu sadə uşaqların içindəki burjuaziya tərəfindən aşağılanan təmiz hisslərini ədəbiyyata çevirməyi bacararaq üstündəki... more “Bütün ingilis dünyası Dikkensi sevir; 19-cu əsrdə dünyanın heç bir yerində yazıçı ilə onun xalqı arasında bu dərəcədə dərin qəlbi bağlılıq olmayıb. Bu məşhurluq bir fişəng kimi qəfil partlamış, ancaq heç vaxt sönməmişdir. Dikkens günəş kimi daim dünyaya öz şəfəqlərini saçacaq”. Ştefan Svayq
Dikkens uşaq yaşlarında səfil həyat tərzi sürüb. Bu iztirablı tale onun bütün yaradıcılığında əks olunub. Onun qəhrəmanlarının əksəriyyəti kasıb, köməksiz, yetim uşaqlardır. Ancaq o bu sadə uşaqların içindəki burjuaziya tərəfindən aşağılanan təmiz hisslərini ədəbiyyata çevirməyi bacararaq üstündəki tozu təmizləyib cilaladı və ortaya ulduz kimi parlaq, əsrarəngiz əsərlər çıxardı.
Böyük yazıçının səmadakı ulduzlarından biri də onun “Böyük ümidlər” romanıdır. Mükəmməl süjet xətti, yaddaşlardan silinməyən qəhrəmanları ilə bütün dövrlərdə oxunan bu roman dünya klassikasının bənzərsiz nümunələrindən hesab olunur.
Əsər 7 yaşlı Pipin ağrı-acılı taleyindən bəhs edir. Dikkens bizə Viktoriya dövrünün bütün o nostalji və qrotesk ab-havasını, əxlaq kanonlarını, insan psixologiyasının dərin qatlarını öz yaradıcı təxəyyülündə yoğurub Pipin “böyük ümidlər”i fonunda təqdim edir.
Oxucu elə ilk fəsillərdən həyəcanlı bir macəranın içinə daxil olur, ehtiraslı bir maraqla hadisələrin necə bitəcəyini bil-mək istəyir.
Bir sözlə, Ç. Dikkens “Böyük ümidlər” əsəri ilə həm oxucuların, həm də yazıçıların qəlbini fəth etməyi bacarıb. less 
Richard BransonToday is World Book Day, a wonderful opportunity to address this #ChallengeRichard sent in by Mike Gonzalez of New Jersey: Make a list of your top 65 books to read in a lifetime. (Source)

Marvin LiaoMy list would be (besides the ones I mentioned in answer to the previous question) both business & Fiction/Sci-Fi and ones I personally found helpful to myself. The business books explain just exactly how business, work & investing are in reality & how to think properly & differentiate yourself. On the non-business side, a mix of History & classic fiction to understand people, philosophy to make... (Source)

Robert Douglas-FairhurstWhat the rest of Great Expectations shows is that having Christmas lasting all the way through your life might not be a good thing. Having a Santa Claus figure who keeps throwing gifts and money at you when they’re not necessarily wanted or deserved might be a handicap. (Source)
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With her final novel, Villette, Charlotte Brontë reached the height of her artistic power. First published in 1853, Villette is Brontë's most accomplished and deeply felt work, eclipsing even Jane Eyre in critical acclaim. Her narrator, the autobiographical Lucy Snowe, flees England and a tragic past to become an instructor in a French boarding school in the town of Villette. There she unexpectedly confronts her feelings of love and longing as she witnesses the fitful romance between Dr. John, a handsome young Englishman, and Ginerva Fanshawe, a beautiful coquette. The... more With her final novel, Villette, Charlotte Brontë reached the height of her artistic power. First published in 1853, Villette is Brontë's most accomplished and deeply felt work, eclipsing even Jane Eyre in critical acclaim. Her narrator, the autobiographical Lucy Snowe, flees England and a tragic past to become an instructor in a French boarding school in the town of Villette. There she unexpectedly confronts her feelings of love and longing as she witnesses the fitful romance between Dr. John, a handsome young Englishman, and Ginerva Fanshawe, a beautiful coquette. The first pain brings others, and with them comes the heartache Lucy has tried so long to escape. Yet in spite of adversity and disappointment, Lucy Snowe survives to recount the unstinting vision of a turbulent life's journey - a journey that is one of the most insightful fictional studies of a woman's consciousness in English literature. less 
Anne Thériault@SophiaETamaro @annfosterwriter It’s the best Brontë book by far! (But way less discussed than Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights) (Source)

Salley VickersI don’t want to decry Jane Eyre—this isn’t an anti-Jane Eyre stance—but I think that it’s a fairy story…In Villette, Brontë’s become a much more mature writer. (Source)
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