Experts > Robin Sloan

Robin Sloan's Top Book Recommendations

Want to know what books Robin Sloan recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Robin Sloan's favorite book recommendations of all time.


Machine that Changed the World

Today, the industrial world is experiencing the most revolutionary change since Henry Ford's assembly line -- which forever changed the way things are made. Japanese companies are sweeping the world, as Western companies and governments struggle to find ways to emulate them.
The Machine That Changed the World points for the first time to a positive way out of this dilemma. It shows that being defeatist about the Japanese threat, and tougher protectionism, are not the answers.
This book outlines the enormous tasks facing Western companies in the 1990s and has cogent...
Recommended by Robin Sloan, and 2 others.

Robin SloanI got this book because I am lately into 1980s "business book" time capsules , but in fact it is beautifully written and dizzyingly interesting, even in 2019!! (Source)

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