Robert Cialdini's Top Book Recommendations
Want to know what books Robert Cialdini recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Robert Cialdini's favorite book recommendations of all time.
Have you ever: Invested time in something that, with hindsight, just wasn't worth it? Or continued doing something you knew was bad for you? These are examples of cognitive biases, simple errors we all make in our day-to-day thinking. But by knowing what they are and how to spot them, we can avoid them and make better... more

Robert CialdiniDobelli examines our most common decision-making failings with engaging eloquence and describes how to counter them with instructive good sense. (Source)

Nigel WarburtonThis is an unpretentious book. Dobelli doesn’t claim to be an original thinker himself. He’s a summariser of other people’s thoughts. What he’s done is brought lots of different things together in one place. Each of the 99 entries is pretty short, and it’s the kind of book to dip into. (Source)
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