Randall Stephenson's Top Book Recommendations
Want to know what books Randall Stephenson recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Randall Stephenson's favorite book recommendations of all time.
This award-winning translation by Richard Pevear... more

Randall StephensonFavorite book: The Brothers Karamazov. (Source)

Kenan MalikDostoevsky was a devout Christian and The Brothers Karamazov, his last and possibly greatest novel, was a heartfelt plea for the necessity of faith. The phrase If God does not exist, everything is permitted is often attributed to Dostoevsky. He actually never wrote that, but the sentiment certainly runs through much of his work, and most especially through The Brothers Karamazov. (Source)

Rachel KushnerThis book taught me something I knew on a much deeper level but did not have the language or the reasoning to state: that innocence is something very durable and interior, and also evanescent. (Source)
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