Want to know what books Pavel Tsatsouline recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Pavel Tsatsouline's favorite book recommendations of all time.

Pavel TsatsoulineMost people exist between the on and off switch. They are unable to turn on and put out high power, and they are unable to turn off completely and enjoy true rest. To learn how to control your on and off switch, read the book Psych by Dr. Judd Biasiotto. He is one of the most successful power lifters in history, having squatted over 600 pounds at a bodyweight of 132... drug free, at the age of... (Source)

Jay McInerneyIt’s a brilliant satire of greed and the mindlessness of popular culture, of American life and of New York in the 80s. (Source)
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