Experts > Paul Blanchard
Want to know what books Paul Blanchard recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Paul Blanchard's favorite book recommendations of all time.
From the world-renowned physicist, co-founder of the World Science Festival, and best-selling author of The Elegant Universe comes this utterly captivating exploration of deep time and humanity's search for purpose.
Brian Greene takes readers on a breathtaking journey from the big bang to the end of time and invites us to ponder meaning in the face of this unimaginable expanse. He shows us how, from its original orderly state the universe has been moving inexorably toward chaos, and, still, remarkable structures have continually formed: the planets, stars, and... more
Brian Greene takes readers on a breathtaking journey from the big bang to the end of time and invites us to ponder meaning in the face of this unimaginable expanse. He shows us how, from its original orderly state the universe has been moving inexorably toward chaos, and, still, remarkable structures have continually formed: the planets, stars, and... more

Paul BlanchardWow. Absolutely blown away by @bgreene’s new book. A must-read (Source)
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