Want to know what books Nick Thompson recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Nick Thompson's favorite book recommendations of all time.

Anne-Marie SlaughterNonzero is a book that everybody should read. It is a big book – not a quick read. The Logic of Human Destiny – that’s a pretty big subject. What it essentially does is tell the story of steadily increasing complexity, of increasingly complex human interactions, from cave societies to current Shanghai. Wright sees human interactions as a Nonzero sum. While primitive systems might have run on... (Source)

Jason KottkeOne of the very few books I think about all the time is Robert Wright’s Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny. Nonzero is an intriguing lens through which to view current events (which is why it’s often in my thoughts). As Chopra notes, cooperation isn’t always the norm…Trumpist Republicans and Brexit proponents are both veering towards the zero sum end of the spectrum and I don’t think it will... (Source)

Nick ThompsonAmong my five favorite books of all time. (Source)
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