Experts > Natasha Lyonne
Want to know what books Natasha Lyonne recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Natasha Lyonne's favorite book recommendations of all time.
The novel follows the lives of the title characters, a Czech artist named Joe Kavalier and a Brooklyn-born writer named Sam Clay—both Jewish—before, during, and after World War II. Kavalier and Clay become major figures in the nascent comics industry during its "Golden Age." less
Anne Thériault@luzbianca417 Phew! I loved that book so much and then the ending I was just like .... what??? No one is making decisions with this child’s best interests in mind! (Source)
Natasha Lyonne@sepinwall I love this book so much. ♥️ (Source)
Sean Seton-RogersSprawling, well researched, historical story. A true pleasure to read. (Source)
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