Want to know what books Meurig and Rachel Bowen recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Meurig and Rachel Bowen's favorite book recommendations of all time.

Meurig and Rachel BowenA never-yet bettered introduction to each section of the orchestra for young people. (Source)
Witty and informative at the same time, Isserlis introduces us to six of his favourite composers: the sublime genius Bach, the quicksilver Mozart, Beethoven with his gruff humour, the shy Schumann, the prickly Brahms and that extraordinary split personality, Stravinsky. Isserlis brings the composers alive in an irresistible... more

Meurig and Rachel BowenSteven Isserlis is one of the most important cellists in the world at the moment. This book is made up of the biographies of six of his favourite composers. (Source)

Meurig and Rachel BowenMusic and dance are centre stage in these charmingly illustrated re-tellings of some of the better known stories from ballet. (Source)

Meurig and Rachel BowenIt’s a real tear jerker, especially when you’re listening to the music at the same time as reading the book. It pulls you into music through emotionally powerful writing. (Source)

Meurig and Rachel BowenIf you read this cover to cover you’ll learn everything you need to know about music including all about all sorts of extraordinary music from non-western cultures. (Source)
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