Experts > Mark R. Levin

Mark R. Levin's Top Book Recommendations

Want to know what books Mark R. Levin recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Mark R. Levin's favorite book recommendations of all time.

"Today’s Democrats are pushing policies that are simply insane, and David Limbaugh proves it in his terriffic, and tremendously important, new book, Guilty by Reason of Insanity." — MARK LEVIN

"Few pundits can match David Limbaugh for research, depth of knowledge, and political insight, and in this book, perhaps his best political book, he shows how the Democrat Party has completely lost its mind." — SEAN HANNITY

The left has truly lost its mind. The party out of power used to be “the loyal opposition.” No longer. Now it’s “the Resistance.” The...
Recommended by Mark R. Levin, and 1 others.

Mark R. LevinDavid Limbaugh’s great new book is out now! Pick up a copy of, Guilty By Reason of Insanity: Why The Democrats Must Not Win (Source)

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The Rifleman

As seen on Hannity, Fox & Friends, Deep Dive, and The Ingraham Angle on Fox News!

A gripping, fact-based story of how Daniel Morgan and his courageous riflemen played a crucial role in George Washington’s victory in the American Revolution. 

This is a war story. It’s about real people and events before and during the American Revolution. The central characters in this work—Daniel Morgan, George Washington, Patrick Henry, Charles Mynn Thruston, and Generals Arnold, Knox, Greene, Lee, Gates, and a host of others—actually did the...
Recommended by Mark R. Levin, and 1 others.

Mark R. LevinOliver North is on next! His great new book is out now - The Rifleman. (Source)

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In honor of the 75th Anniversary of one of the most critical battles of World War II, the popular primetime Fox News anchor of The Story with Martha MacCallum pays tribute to the heroic men who sacrificed everything at Iwo Jima to defeat the Armed Forces of Emperor Hirohito—among them, a member of her own family, Harry Gray.

When news of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor came over the radio in a New York diner on Sunday, December 7, 1941, patrons grabbed their coats and their children by the hand, left a few dollars on the table and briskly headed home....
Recommended by Mark R. Levin, and 1 others.

Mark R. LevinMartha MacCallum’s great new book is out now - Unknown Valor: A Story of Family, Courage, and Sacrifice from Pearl Harbor to Iwo Jima (Source)

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From Derek Hunter—one of the most entertaining political writers today—comes an insightful, alarming look at how progressives have taken over academia, pop culture, and journalism in order to declare everything liberal great, and everything great, liberal.

Progressives love to attack conservatives as anti-science, wallowing in fake news, and culturally backwards. But who are the real denialists here?

There are three institutions in American life run by gatekeepers who have stopped letting in anyone who questions their liberal script: academia, journalism, and pop...
Recommended by Mark R. Levin, and 1 others.

Mark R. LevinDerek Hunter’s great new book is out now - Outrage, Inc.: How the Liberal Mob Ruined Science, Journalism, and Hollywood (Source)

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The most comprehensive insider’s look at what every consumer needs to know about their credit score—and most importantly, how to fix it

If you, like so many millions of Americans, are terrified by the daily headlines regarding Equifax and identity theft, and how all of this can directly affect your basic credit score, then this book should be considered as mandatory reading.

Like it or not, a healthy credit score is essential if you want to participate in today’s financial world. But very few people actually understand how their credit score is...
Recommended by Mark R. Levin, and 1 others.

Mark R. LevinCheck out Anthony Davenport’s great book, Your Score: An Insider's Secrets to Understanding, Controlling, and Protecting Your Credit Score (Source)

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9 Rules of Engagement

The Emmy award-winning news anchor of Outnumbered Overtime with Harris Faulkner and cohost of the talk show Outnumbered shares the lessons she learned growing up in a military family, paying homage to the military ideals that shaped her and showing how everyone can benefit from bringing the wisdom of military service into their lives.Born into a military family, Harris Faulkner revered her father, a decorated career officer who served three tours of duty in Vietnam and raised his children with the values and ideals of the US military. Accompanying him from posting to posting, young Harris... more

Mark R. LevinHarris Faulkner is on next! Her great new book is out now - 9 Rules of Engagement: A Military Brat's Guide to Life and Success (Source)

Peter Boykin Founder Of GaysfortrumpTerrific new book out by the wonderful Harris Faulkner, “9 Rules of Engagement.” Harris shares lessons from a military family. Enjoy! via realdonaldtrump (Source)

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The author of the number-one New York Times bestseller The Russia Hoax picks up where that book ended with this hard-hitting, well-reasoned examination of the latest findings about “collusion” between the Trump Administration and the Russians, offering further proof that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is nothing more than a politically motivated witch hunt.

The president’s enemies cite the number of indictments and guilty pleas wracked up by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his associates as proof of Donald Trump and his...

Mark R. LevinGrab a copy of Gregg Jarrett’s great new book. Witch Hunt: The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in American Political History (Source)

Jerome R. CorsiThank you Gregg Jarrett @GreggJarrett for the excellent coverage he gave my 40-hrs inquisition by Mueller in which I refused a plea deal & did NOT get indicted (pgs 380-386) in his new book WITCH HUNT that I strongly recommend @realDonaldTrump A MUST READ (Source)

Kimberly GuilfoyleGet @GreggJarrett’s new book Witch Hunt! The story of the greatest mass delusion in American political history. Phenomenal writer and storyteller with another great book! (Source)

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The movement that brought Donald Trump to the White House has better ideas than the old right or the new left. It’s time that the rest of America started listening.

The Tea Party began as a protest for patriots who feared Big Government. President Trump has become a hero for patriots who are against Big Everything. 

Fed up with Silicon Valley, the media, liberal higher education, the military-industrial...

Donald J. TrumpWatch Mark Levin interview of Charlie Kirk tonight at 11:00 P.M. on @FoxNews. Amazing!!! And, while you’re at it, go get Charlie’s new book, “The MAGA Doctrine: The Only Ideas That Will Win the Future”...This is a really GREAT book. Support Charlie Kirk! (Source)

Mark R. LevinCharlie Kirk’s great new book is out now - The MAGA Doctrine: The Only Ideas that Will Win the Future (Source)

Jt LewisCongrats to a great guy, Charlie Kirk, on writing The #MAGADoctrine. Charlie has had a “front row seat to one of the most extraordinary presidencies in American history”, and his book captures it all. It’s a must-read! (Source)

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Recommended by Donald J. Trump, Mark R. Levin, and 2 others.

Donald J. TrumpGreat new book by the brilliant Andrew McCarthy, BALL OF COLLUSION, THE PLOT TO RIG AN ELECTION AND DESTROY A PRESIDENCY. Get it, and some other great new books which I will soon be recommending. They tell you about the Crooked Pols and the Witch Hunt that has now been exposed! (Source)

Mark R. LevinAndy McCarthy’s great new book is out now, Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency (Source)

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Washington insiders operate by a proven credo: when a Peter Schweizer book drops, duck and brace for impact.

For over a decade, the work of five-time New York Times bestselling investigative reporter Peter Schweizer has sent shockwaves through the political universe.

Clinton Cash revealed the Clintons' international money flow, exposed global corruption, and sparked an FBI investigation. Secret Empires exposed bipartisan corruption and launched congressional investigations. And Throw Them All Out and Extortion prompted passage of the STOCK Act. Indeed, Schweizer's...
Recommended by Mark R. Levin, Daniel Baranowski, and 2 others.

Mark R. LevinPeter Schweizer’s great new book is out now - Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite (Source)

Daniel BaranowskiDon't you love this! This will be the book of 2020! Maybe even the decade! Impeachment is really all about the Bidens! And I don't give a Beaver's DAM how many push-ups Creepy Joe can do! Pack up & go home you old crook! (Source)

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In Triggered, Donald Trump, Jr. will expose all the tricks that the left uses to smear conservatives and push them out of the public square, from online "shadow banning" to fake accusations of "hate speech." No topic is spared from political correctness. This is the book that the leftist elites don't want you to read!
Trump, Jr. will write about the importance of fighting back and standing up for what you believe in. From his childhood summers in Communist Czechoslovakia that began his political thought process, to working on construction sites with his father, to the major...

Donald J. TrumpGreat Book! (Source)

Ivanka TrumpExcited for my amazing big brother @DonaldJTrumpJr as he releases his first book, Triggered. Order online now or pick it up on November 5! (Source)

Aasif Mandvi.@DonaldJTrumpJr Congrats on the new book! Great read. (Source)

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