Experts > Marcel Dirsus

Marcel Dirsus's Top Book Recommendations

Want to know what books Marcel Dirsus recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Marcel Dirsus's favorite book recommendations of all time.

The behind-the-scenes story of the rise and reign of the world's strangest and most elusive tyrant, Kim Jong Un, by the journalist with the best connections and insights into the bizarrely dangerous world of North Korea.

Since his birth in 1984, Kim Jong Un has been swaddled in myth and propaganda, from the plainly silly--he could supposedly drive a car at the age of three--to the grimly bloody stories of family members who perished at his command.
Anna Fifield reconstructs Kim's past and present with exclusive access to sources near him and brings her unique...

Demetri SevastopuloAnna has long written great stuff on North Korea. Check out her book on Kim Jong Un (Source)

Marcel DirsusTruly fascinating book, can only recommend it (Source)

Patrick ChovanecI'm part of the way through @annafifield's book and it's fascinating. Lots of pieces that I've heard bits of, but never put together to form the full mosaic. I highly recommend it. (Source)

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