Experts > Laura Roeder
Want to know what books Laura Roeder recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Laura Roeder's favorite book recommendations of all time.
Just when the clamor over "traditional" marriage couldn't get any louder, along comes this groundbreaking book to ask, "What tradition?" In Marriage, a History, historian and marriage expert Stephanie Coontz takes readers from the marital intrigues of ancient Babylon to the torments of Victorian lovers to demonstrate how recent the idea of marrying for love is--and how absurd it would have seemed to most of our ancestors. It was when marriage moved into the emotional sphere in the nineteenth century, she argues, that it suffered as an institution just as it began to thrive as a... more

Laura Roeder@DanielleMorrill this book is great if you haven't read it (Source)
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