Experts > Kyle Harrison
Want to know what books Kyle Harrison recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Kyle Harrison's favorite book recommendations of all time.
Why stick with plain old A, B, C when you can have Amelia (Earhart), Malala, Tina (Turner), Ruth (Bader Ginsburg), all the way to eXtraordinary You--and the Zillion of adventures you will go on?
Instagram superstar Eva Chen, author of Juno Valentine and the Magical Shoes, is back with an alphabet board book depicting feminist icons in A Is for Awesome: 23 Iconic Women Who Changed the World, featuring spirited illustrations by Derek Desierto. less
Instagram superstar Eva Chen, author of Juno Valentine and the Magical Shoes, is back with an alphabet board book depicting feminist icons in A Is for Awesome: 23 Iconic Women Who Changed the World, featuring spirited illustrations by Derek Desierto. less

Kyle HarrisonDuring my 24 hour trip to LA I picked up this great book for Brooke! Strongly recommend! (Source)
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