Experts > Kat Calvin
Want to know what books Kat Calvin recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Kat Calvin's favorite book recommendations of all time.
This is a story of democracy under threat. It’s the story of a movement rising up to respond. And it’s a story of what comes next.
Shortly after Trump’s election, two outraged former congressional staffers wrote and posted a tactical guide to resisting the Trump agenda. This Google Doc entitled “Indivisible” was meant to be read by friends and family. No one could have predicted what happened next. It went viral, sparking the creation of thousands of local Indivisible groups in red, blue, and purple states, mobilizing millions of people and evolving into a defining movement of the... more
Shortly after Trump’s election, two outraged former congressional staffers wrote and posted a tactical guide to resisting the Trump agenda. This Google Doc entitled “Indivisible” was meant to be read by friends and family. No one could have predicted what happened next. It went viral, sparking the creation of thousands of local Indivisible groups in red, blue, and purple states, mobilizing millions of people and evolving into a defining movement of the... more
Kat CalvinHEY PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET. Pre-order @Leahgreenb and @ezralevin's book about @IndivisibleTeam today!! Let's get these lovely geniuses on the best seller list! (Source)
Molly JongfastOMG @IndivisibleTeam book is AMAZING. @Leahgreenb @ezralevin (Source)
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