Experts > Kaskade

Kaskade's Top Book Recommendations

Want to know what books Kaskade recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Kaskade's favorite book recommendations of all time.

In this New York Times bestselling investigation, Ted Koppel reveals that a major cyberattack on America's power grid is not only possible but likely, that it would be devastating, and that the United States is shockingly unprepared.

Imagine a blackout lasting not days, but weeks or months. Tens of millions of people over several states are affected. For those without access to a generator, there is no running water, no sewage, no refrigeration or light. Food and medical supplies are dwindling. Devices we rely on have gone dark. Banks no longer function,...
Recommended by Kaskade, and 1 others.

KaskadeIt was a really interesting read, and it scared the crap out of me. (Source)

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