Experts > Justine Picardie

Justine Picardie's Top Book Recommendations

Want to know what books Justine Picardie recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Justine Picardie's favorite book recommendations of all time.

The first Vreeland book to focus on her three decades at Harper's Bazaar, where the legendary editor honed her singular take on fashion. In 1936, Harper's Bazaar editor in chief Carmel Snow made a decision that changed fashion forever when she invited a stylish London transplant named Diana Vreeland to join her magazine. Vreeland created "Why Don't You?"--an illustrated column of irreverent advice for chic living. Soon she was named the magazine's fashion editor--a position that Richard Avedon later famously credited Vreeland with inventing. The troika of Snow, legendary art... more
Recommended by Justine Picardie, and 1 others.

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Shocking Life

Shiaparelli's fascinating autobiography charts her rise from resident of a rat-infested apartment to designer to the stars. This publication will coincide with 'Surreal Things' at the V&A in March 2007. less
Recommended by Justine Picardie, and 1 others.

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Dior by Dior

This autobiography gives a fascinating and detailed insight into the workings of a great fashion house, while revealing the private man behind the high-profile establishment. less
Recommended by Justine Picardie, and 1 others.

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The Allure of Chanel

"Reads beautifully . . . the closest anyone can get to a face-to-face with Coco."—The Spectator

In her own words, Coco Chanel tells us about her friendships, the men in her life, her philosophy of fashion, and the story behind the legendary N° 5 perfume.
Recommended by Justine Picardie, and 1 others.

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