John Robbins's Top Book Recommendations
Want to know what books John Robbins recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of John Robbins's favorite book recommendations of all time.
Many of us have long been told that fat makes us fat, contributes to heart disease, and generally erodes our health. Now a growing body of research is debunking our fat-phobia, revealing the immense health and weight-loss benefits of a high-fat diet rich in eggs, nuts, oils, avocados, and other delicious super-foods. In his new book, bestselling author Dr. Mark Hyman introduces a new weight-loss... more

John RobbinsMark Hyman is a food revolution superstar. Here he makes a clear and powerful case that for most people, low-fat isn't the answer, but high-quality fats is. I have no doubt that the vast majority of people will be far healthier for following his advice. (Source)

Toby CosgroveDr. Mark Hyman has helped thousands of people lose weight and lead happier, more energetic lives. His powerful insights on the dynamics of dietary fat will change the way you think about everyday eating, and show you how easy it is to enjoy a healthier, more satisfying diet. (Source)

Daniel AmenSixty percent of the solid weight of your brain is fat. If someone calls you a fat head say thank you! Eat Fat, Get Thin is a smart, well-researched, delicious roadmap to help you get and stay healthy, reverse illness, and optimize your brain. I highly recommend it. (Source)
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