Experts > Joe Mansueto
Joe Mansueto's Top Book Recommendations
Want to know what books Joe Mansueto recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Joe Mansueto's favorite book recommendations of all time.
Start with No offers a contrarian, counterintuitive system for negotiating any kind of deal in any kind of situation--the purchase of a new house, a multimillion-dollar business deal, or where to take the kids for dinner.
Think a win-win solution is the best way to make the deal? Think again.
For years now, win-win has been the paradigm for business negotiation. But today, win-win is just the seductive mantra used by the toughest negotiators to get the other side to compromise unnecessarily, early, and often. Win-win negotiations play to your... more
Think a win-win solution is the best way to make the deal? Think again.
For years now, win-win has been the paradigm for business negotiation. But today, win-win is just the seductive mantra used by the toughest negotiators to get the other side to compromise unnecessarily, early, and often. Win-win negotiations play to your... more

Joe MansuetoJim Camp offers easy-to-apply strategies to help make you a more effective negotiator. You’ll learn techniques that you can use immediately to improve your negotiating skills by reading this book. (Source)
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