Experts > Jim Sinegal
Jim Sinegal's Top Book Recommendations
Want to know what books Jim Sinegal recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Jim Sinegal's favorite book recommendations of all time.
A Wall Street Journal Bestseller
A compelling look inside the mind and powerful leadership methods of America's coaching legend, John Wooden
"Team spirit, loyalty, enthusiasm, determination. . . . Acquire and keep these traits and success should follow."
--Coach John Wooden
John Wooden's goal in 41 years of coaching never changed; namely, to get maximum effort and peak performance from each of his players in the manner that best served the team. Wooden on Leadership explains step-by-step how he pursued and accomplished... more
A compelling look inside the mind and powerful leadership methods of America's coaching legend, John Wooden
"Team spirit, loyalty, enthusiasm, determination. . . . Acquire and keep these traits and success should follow."
--Coach John Wooden
John Wooden's goal in 41 years of coaching never changed; namely, to get maximum effort and peak performance from each of his players in the manner that best served the team. Wooden on Leadership explains step-by-step how he pursued and accomplished... more

Jim SinegalWooden On Leadership offers valuable lessons no matter what your endeavor. 'Competitive Greatness' is our goal and that of any successful organization. Coach Wooden’s Pyramid of Success is where it all starts. (Source)
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