Experts > Jerrod Carmichael
Want to know what books Jerrod Carmichael recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Jerrod Carmichael's favorite book recommendations of all time.
After more than three decades, the peerless wit and indulgent absurdity of A Confederacy of Dunces continues to attract new readers. Though the manuscript was rejected by many publishers during Toole's lifetime, his mother successfully published the book years after her son's suicide, and it won the 1981 Pulitzer Prize for fiction. This literary underdog and comic masterpiece has sold more than two million copies in twenty-three languages.
The 35th anniversary edition of A Confederacy of Dunces celebrates Toole's novel as well as one of the most memorable... more
The 35th anniversary edition of A Confederacy of Dunces celebrates Toole's novel as well as one of the most memorable... more
Jerrod CarmichaelThe language is so good. (Source)
Jesse WilliamsF*cking funny, vivid, and adventurous. Sometimes that’s what we need. (Source)
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