Want to know what books Jeremy Till recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Jeremy Till's favorite book recommendations of all time.
Modern civilization, Bauman argues, promised to make our lives understandable and open to our control. This has not happened and today we no longer believe it ever will. In this book, now available in paperback, Bauman argues that our postmodern age is the time for reconciliation with ambivalence, we must learn how to live in an incurably ambiguous world. more Modern civilization, Bauman argues, promised to make our lives understandable and open to our control. This has not happened and today we no longer believe it ever will. In this book, now available in paperback, Bauman argues that our postmodern age is the time for reconciliation with ambivalence, we must learn how to live in an incurably ambiguous world. less 
Jeremy TillThe argument in the book is simply that modernity in its will to order and reason had waged a war on ambivalence, on the other, on outsiders and on contingency. (Source)
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The hidden story of L.A. Mike Davis shows us where the city's money comes from and who controls it while also exposing the brutal ongoing struggle between L.A.'s haves and have-nots. more The hidden story of L.A. Mike Davis shows us where the city's money comes from and who controls it while also exposing the brutal ongoing struggle between L.A.'s haves and have-nots. less 
Jeremy TillWhen I first arrived in Los Angles, before I read the book, I was completely and utterly bamboozled by the place. I was just thinking what the hell is going on here? (Source)

Dennis McDougalDavis built on the history and arguments that Carey McWilliams proffered in An Island on the Land half a century earlier. City of Quartz, which was actually a PhD dissertation that he turned into book form, looks at all of Southern California’s issues, including water, and weaves them together into a road map for the 21st century, with lots of warning signs along the way. He was wary of air... (Source)
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Rem Koolhaas and Bruce Mau | 4.23

*Cities cover just 2% of the world's surface, but consume 75% of the world's resources
*Global food production increased by 145% in the last 4 decades of the 20th century - yet an estimated 800 million people are still hungry
*In 2005 British supermarkets sent half a million tonnes of edible food to landfill - the whole food sector put together sent 17 million tonnes
*One quarter of the British population is obese - one in three meals we eat is a ready meal
The relationship between food and cities is fundamental to our every day lives. Food shapes... more *Cities cover just 2% of the world's surface, but consume 75% of the world's resources
*Global food production increased by 145% in the last 4 decades of the 20th century - yet an estimated 800 million people are still hungry
*In 2005 British supermarkets sent half a million tonnes of edible food to landfill - the whole food sector put together sent 17 million tonnes
*One quarter of the British population is obese - one in three meals we eat is a ready meal
The relationship between food and cities is fundamental to our every day lives. Food shapes cities, and through them, it moulds us - along with the countryside that feeds us. The gargantuan effort necessary to feed cities arguably has a greater social and physical impact on us and our planet than anything else we do. Yet few of us are conscious of the process and we rarely stop to wonder how food reaches our plates. Hungry City examines the way in which modern food production has damaged the balance of human existence, and reveals that we have yet to resolve a centuries-old dilemma - one which holds the key to a host of current problems, from obesity, the inexorable rise of the supermarkets, to the destruction of the natural world.
Carolyn Steel follows food on its journey - from the land (and sea) to market and supermarket, kitchen to table, waste-dump and back again - exploring the historical roots and the contemporary issues at each stage of food's cycle. She shows how our lives and our environment are being manipulated but explains how we can change things for the better. Original, inspiring and written with infectious enthusiasm and belief, Hungry City illuminates an issue that is fundamental to us all. less 
Jeremy TillHungry City shows how architects are far more enmeshed in the world around them than they themselves would like to believe. (Source)

Richard ReynoldsCarolyn Steel carries on the theme of how we use land. She deals with the very current concern that cities today are not sustainable because the hinterlands from which they are fed are running out. The trail that food has to take is enormous and also not sustainable.
What Carolyn Steel does is give a fascinating historical perspective. You realise that these problems are nothing new. For example... (Source)
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All kinds of structures--domestic, commercial, institutional--are examined as they change with time and with varied usage in this fascinating, vividly accessible book that beckons toward a new frontier in architecture. 340 illustrations and photos. more All kinds of structures--domestic, commercial, institutional--are examined as they change with time and with varied usage in this fascinating, vividly accessible book that beckons toward a new frontier in architecture. 340 illustrations and photos. less 
Jeremy TillStuart Brand is a person who thinks clearly about our future, and therefore is in a good position to comment on the future life of architecture. (Source)
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