Want to know what books Jeff Weiner recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Jeff Weiner's favorite book recommendations of all time.
In a world where wages are virtually stagnant, creative disruption is rocking every industry, global competition for jobs is fierce, and job security is a thing of the past, we're all on our own when it comes to our careers. In the face of such uncertainty, the key to success is to think and act like an entrepreneur: to be nimble and self-reliant, to be... more

Sheryl SandbergEveryone, women and men alike, needs to think big to succeed. This is a practical book that shows you how to take control and build a career that will enable you to have real impact. (Source)

Jack DorseyThe Startup of You" describes how to take the Silicon Valley approach to building a life: start with an idea, and work over your entire career to turn it something remarkable. In the world today, I think that the startup approach to life is necessary. This book distills the key techniques needed to succeed. (Source)

Marc AndreessenSilicon Valley revolutionizes entire industries through the way we work. It is now time to export our playbook to the rest of the world. The Startup of You is that key playbook: it will help you revolutionize yourself and achieve your own career breakout. (Source)
Jennifer Dulski, the head of Groups at Facebook, and former president of Change.org, explains how you can turn your mission into a movement that creates change--whether you're at a startup or a political campaign, at a Fortune 500 company or a local community group, or an intern or a CEO. Anyone can spark change if they believe in the power of taking action, no matter where, or how small,... more

Arianna HuffingtonJennifer Dulski’s inspiring new book, Purposeful, shows us how we can all make a difference, whether in our community, our workplace or our world https://t.co/6lcYyMB959 (Source)

Jeff WeinerCongrats to @jdulski on publishing her new book, Purposeful. Jen shares lessons and inspiring stories from activists, entrepreneurs, and her own career that can help anyone start a movement, whether in your workplace, your community or the world. https://t.co/w4DDMAXeZf (Source)
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