Isabelle Ohnemus's Top Book Recommendations
Want to know what books Isabelle Ohnemus recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Isabelle Ohnemus's favorite book recommendations of all time.
Chris FussellThe history of how great ideas evolve. (Source)
Brian BurkhartThis book is essentially a biography of all the people who’ve led to the technology of today—it’s fascinating. The most important point of the book is everything is one long, connected chain. There isn’t just one person or one industry that makes anything happen—it all goes way back. For example, the communication theory I have espoused and taught throughout my career is from Aristotle, Socrates,... (Source)
Sean Gardner@semayuce @MicrosoftUK @HelenSharmanUK @astro_timpeake @WalterIsaacson Yes, I agree: "The Innovators" is a great book. I loved it too. (Source)
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