Want to know what books Ian McEwan recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Ian McEwan's favorite book recommendations of all time.

Ian McEwanUpdike has been a very important writer for me, the one I’ve admired most, read most, and returned to most often. (Source)
What Science Offers the Humanities examines some of the deep problems facing current approaches to the study of culture. It focuses especially on the excesses of postmodernism, but also acknowledges serious problems with postmodernism's harshest critics. In short, Edward Slingerland argues that in order for the humanities to progress, its scholars need to take seriously contributions from the natural sciences-and particular research on human cognition-which demonstrate that any separation of the mind and the body is entirely untenable. The author provides suggestions for how humanists...

Ian McEwanIn part the book is an assault on the various assumptions and presumptions of postmodernism – and its constructivist notions of the mind. (Source)

Ian McEwanThere are many writers of my age who are steeped in Larkin and, like me, incorporate the cadences of his lines, often without being aware of it. (Source)

Arnold JansenThis is another one I had with me on my tour of duty. (Source)

Ian McEwanIt’s a historical account of the fanatical millenarian sects that swept across Europe from the 11th to 15th centuries. (Source)

Bill Gates[On Bill Gates's reading list in 2011.] (Source)

Scott Belsky[Scott Belsky recommended this book on the podcast "The Tim Ferriss Show".] (Source)
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