Experts > Ian Leonard
Want to know what books Ian Leonard recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Ian Leonard's favorite book recommendations of all time.
An unprecedented and terrifying bioterrorism plot threatens to kill millions in the midst of a divisive presidential election in this new thriller from the #1 New York Times bestselling Mitch Rapp series.
A toxic presidential election is underway in an America already badly weakened by internal divisions. While politicians focus entirely on maintaining their own power and privilege, ISIS kidnaps a brilliant French microbiologist and forces him to begin manufacturing anthrax. Slickly produced videos chronicling his progress and threatening an imminent attack are... more
A toxic presidential election is underway in an America already badly weakened by internal divisions. While politicians focus entirely on maintaining their own power and privilege, ISIS kidnaps a brilliant French microbiologist and forces him to begin manufacturing anthrax. Slickly produced videos chronicling his progress and threatening an imminent attack are... more
Recommended by Ian Leonard, and 1 others.
Ian Leonard@KyleMillsAuthor @TheSmokyPoet Great book, socks could be stronger 🤪 (Source)
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