Experts > Grant Shapps Mp
Want to know what books Grant Shapps Mp recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Grant Shapps Mp's favorite book recommendations of all time.
The expanded second edition of the best selling memoir by Ranger medic, Leo JenkinsA rare look inside the experience of an Army Ranger medic. The compelling true story of what it takes to become and work as a special operations combat medic during the height of the global war on terrorism.Detailed accounts (and pictures) from the search and rescue operation for the US Navy Seals who were compromised in the mountains of Afghanistan during operation Redwings (best selling book, Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell) is just one of the many combat operations described in this thrilling book. Take a... more

Grant Shapps MpGreat to meet Andy Chapman who’s the Chairman of Lemsford Local History Group. Andy has written a fascinating book about local Lemsford residents who fought in WW1 and their incredibly poignant stories. Find out more here: (Source)
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