Want to know what books Gideon Rachman recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Gideon Rachman's favorite book recommendations of all time.

From an acclaimed conservative historian and former military officer, a bracing call for a pragmatic confrontation with the nation's problems
The Limits of Power identifies a profound triple crisis facing America: the economy, in remarkable disarray, can no longer be fixed by relying on expansion abroad; the government, transformed by an imperial presidency, is a democracy in form only; U.S. involvement in endless wars, driven by a deep infatuation with military power, has been a catastrophe for the body politic. These pressing problems threaten all of us, Republicans... more From an acclaimed conservative historian and former military officer, a bracing call for a pragmatic confrontation with the nation's problems
The Limits of Power identifies a profound triple crisis facing America: the economy, in remarkable disarray, can no longer be fixed by relying on expansion abroad; the government, transformed by an imperial presidency, is a democracy in form only; U.S. involvement in endless wars, driven by a deep infatuation with military power, has been a catastrophe for the body politic. These pressing problems threaten all of us, Republicans and Democrats. If the nation is to solve its predicament, it will need the revival of a distinctly American approach: the neglected tradition of realism.
Andrew J. Bacevich, uniquely respected across the political spectrum, offers a historical perspective on the illusions that have governed American policy since 1945. The realism he proposes includes respect for power and its limits; sensitivity to unintended consequences; aversion to claims of exceptionalism; skepticism of easy solutions, especially those involving force; and a conviction that the books will have to balance. Only a return to such principles, Bacevich argues, can provide common ground for fixing America’s urgent problems before the damage becomes irreparable. less 
Gideon RachmanThis is the post-Iraq disillusionment times. It’s a very slim book, and it’s quite an angry book. Bacevich is an interesting figure. He’s a foreign policy academic who has broken with the conventional Washington establishment view about the use of American power and the basically beneficial aspects of the American military might – the consensus view that both Clinton and Bush would have embraced,... (Source)
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In this remarkably gripping memoir, one of the most dynamic and controversial leaders of modern times gives us a firsthand account of his years in office and beyond.
Here, for the first time, Tony Blair recounts his role in shaping our recent history, from the aftermath of Princess Diana’s death to the war on terror. With rare honesty and courage, he recounts the belief in ethical intervention that led to his decision to go to war in Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, and, most controversially of all, Iraq. Filled with fascinating revelations about Blair’s close friendship with... more In this remarkably gripping memoir, one of the most dynamic and controversial leaders of modern times gives us a firsthand account of his years in office and beyond.
Here, for the first time, Tony Blair recounts his role in shaping our recent history, from the aftermath of Princess Diana’s death to the war on terror. With rare honesty and courage, he recounts the belief in ethical intervention that led to his decision to go to war in Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, and, most controversially of all, Iraq. Filled with fascinating revelations about Blair’s close friendship with the Clinton family, his admiration for George W. Bush, and his relationship with Barack Obama, A Journey is a must-read political memoir, providing an unprecedented glimpse into Tony Blair’s experiences as Prime Minister, through his own eyes. less 
Gideon RachmanBlair is an interesting figure. He’s a bit of a chameleon, and he spanned two periods. First, the period of huge faith in globalisation – the pre 9/11 optimistic period, capitalism and the third way, which he jointly developed. Then he outlasted Clinton, and became George W Bush’s great ally in the War on Terror – the much darker American world view that followed 9/11. He tried to span both and... (Source)
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On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall collapsed, taking the Cold War down with it. The next twelve years passed in a haze of self-congratulation, Republican confusion, and angst, and economic prosperity—until they ended abruptly with a stunning catastrophe on September 11, 2001.In America Between The Wars, Derek Chollet and James Goldgeier blend deep expertise with broad access to both parties' political and policy establishments to find out how—and why—America failed to recognize that when we became the sole superpower with responsibility for the world's oversight, we overlooked how... more On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall collapsed, taking the Cold War down with it. The next twelve years passed in a haze of self-congratulation, Republican confusion, and angst, and economic prosperity—until they ended abruptly with a stunning catastrophe on September 11, 2001.In America Between The Wars, Derek Chollet and James Goldgeier blend deep expertise with broad access to both parties' political and policy establishments to find out how—and why—America failed to recognize that when we became the sole superpower with responsibility for the world's oversight, we overlooked how the new world actually worked. less 
Gideon RachmanThe two wars it defines are the Cold War and the War on Terror. Neither of them are traditional hot wars. So it’s 1989 to 2001. (Source)
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This biography is a study of Jacques Delors and his family background, his struggles and ideas, his setbacks and achievements against the turbulent background of the European movement and the growth of the EC. Since 1985, when Jacques Delors became President of the European Commission, no politician made a bigger impact on Western Europe. Delors's vigour and determination revived a moribund European Community. Delors masterminded the Single European Act and the programme to create a single market. He also fathered more recent goals such as monetary union and political union, which the Treaty... more This biography is a study of Jacques Delors and his family background, his struggles and ideas, his setbacks and achievements against the turbulent background of the European movement and the growth of the EC. Since 1985, when Jacques Delors became President of the European Commission, no politician made a bigger impact on Western Europe. Delors's vigour and determination revived a moribund European Community. Delors masterminded the Single European Act and the programme to create a single market. He also fathered more recent goals such as monetary union and political union, which the Treaty of Maastricht, agreed in December 1991, enshrined. And he inspired that treaty's infamous "social chapter". A brilliant political opportunist, Delors turned the Community - now the European Union - into a powerful and often intrusive entity. But while his sucesses encouraged countries outside the Community to seek membership, they also provoked a wave of anti-Brussels sentiment in the 1990s. Delors and Margaret Thatcher offer opposing prescriptions for Europe's future - one federalist, the other nationalist. Like Thatcher, with whom he has often clashed, Delors attracts liking and loathing, but seldom indifference. Delors is a complex bundle of contradictions. He is a passionate European who has never lost his Gallic perspective, a master of detail who is also a visionary ideologue, a fervent Roman Catholic who enjoys politics and power. Delors remains a figure to be reckoned with. His presidential term continues until January 1995, and opinion polls show him to be France's most popular politician of the left. less 
Gideon RachmanChoosing a book about Delors is perhaps not a very obvious way of talking about a period when dramatic things were happening in Europe. But taking a step back, why is Europe part of this story of globalisation? Firstly, the fall of the Berlin wall meant that the Soviet alternative to the Western system collapsed. But also because the formation of the European Union was a mini globalisation in... (Source)
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No one in the twentieth century had a greater impact on world history than Deng Xiaoping. And no scholar is better qualified than Ezra Vogel to disentangle the contradictions embodied in the life and legacy of China's boldest strategist--the pragmatic, disciplined force behind China's radical economic, technological, and social transformation. more No one in the twentieth century had a greater impact on world history than Deng Xiaoping. And no scholar is better qualified than Ezra Vogel to disentangle the contradictions embodied in the life and legacy of China's boldest strategist--the pragmatic, disciplined force behind China's radical economic, technological, and social transformation. less 
Bill GatesIf you’re going to read one book about modern China in the period after Mao, then this is the book you should read. (Source)

Gideon RachmanThis is the best and most comprehensive book I know, certainly in English, on the Deng Xiaoping era. Deng’s importance will only grow with the passage of time. I think he will emerge as a truly historic figure – less dramatic than Mao, but with more lasting impact if China remains on this course. There was a need for a really serious and readable study of him, and this is a big door-stopping book... (Source)
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