Flora Pringle's Top Book Recommendations
Want to know what books Flora Pringle recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Flora Pringle's favorite book recommendations of all time.

Nicole BaldinuI didn’t want this book to end. And I’ve gone back and listened to the audio version in Italian too. I’m lucky that my second language is Italian, as I got to enjoy it twice over! This book was wildly successful and for good reasons, it has everything you’d want in a story, love, friendship, history, humor, sadness and tragedy. All in four delicious volumes that, again, you wish would keep going... (Source)

Flora PringleI think Elena Ferrante writes brilliantly about the challenges of motherhood and building something for yourself. In the Neapolitan Novels she talks about her character breaking out of her poor, restrictive, mafia background through reading and learning. She breaks her boundaries and becomes an accomplished writer. In the third book particularly, Elena speaks fluently about the envy we feel of... (Source)
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