Want to know what books Emily Brandwin recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Emily Brandwin's favorite book recommendations of all time.
A columnist at Teen Vogue, Lauren Duca has become a fresh and authoritative voice on the experience of millennials in today’s society. In these pages she explores the post-Trump political awakening and lays the groundwork for a re-democratizing moment as it might be built out of the untapped potential of young people.
Duca investigates and... more

Emily Brandwin@laurenduca It's so damn awesome that you wrote this book and everyone should read it, but especially young women. I'm already super pushy with them (shocking) so giving them your book is very on theme for me. (Source)

Nick Knudsen DemcastIf we’re really going to fix all that’s gone wrong in America, younger folks are going to have to engage big time. @laurenduca shares her first essay on #DemCast - a must-read. And please check out her book - “How to Start a Revolution”. https://t.co/njD0k8pdsG (Source)
Titled after the FBI code name for the initial investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, Crossfire Hurricane chronicles President Trump's relentless attacks on the FBI. Josh Campbell, a career special agent who served under Presidents George W. Bush,...

Susan HennesseyEpisode 10 also features the amazing @joshscampbell telling the story from in the room the day Comey learned he was fired. (He goes into it a little more in his book, which you should all read: https://t.co/GhKzBAfT2t). https://t.co/tpm5Xnjd0p https://t.co/FU5ffcB0hO (Source)

Preet BhararaThis great new book by my former FBI colleague @joshscampbell will help you understand the tactics being used by the President to distract and deflect attention away from the latest growing scandals. Get your copy here: https://t.co/7vmvGbbqqk (Source)

Emily BrandwinWhen you write a damn good book, good things happen....like you end up as an Amazon Best Seller!!! https://t.co/LYFP358x61 (Source)
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