Experts > Edward Parkin
Want to know what books Edward Parkin recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Edward Parkin's favorite book recommendations of all time.
For thousands of years Man has searched, pondered and
speculated about the true “meaning of life.” But, in
Scientology, that search has culminated — for the secret
has now been discovered. Based on precision Axioms
(self-evident truths), these are the answers — answers
you’ve been looking for, answers that work.
Here, then, is the Basic Book on the Theory and Practice of
Scientology, with discoveries embracing every aspect of life,
• The Cycle-of-Action, revealing what underlies the
continuous cycle of... more
speculated about the true “meaning of life.” But, in
Scientology, that search has culminated — for the secret
has now been discovered. Based on precision Axioms
(self-evident truths), these are the answers — answers
you’ve been looking for, answers that work.
Here, then, is the Basic Book on the Theory and Practice of
Scientology, with discoveries embracing every aspect of life,
• The Cycle-of-Action, revealing what underlies the
continuous cycle of... more

Edward ParkinThis is a personal favorite. Simple truths in a single book. Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought (Source)
Suspense, politics, war, humor and intergalactic finance. A towering masterwork of science fiction adventure and one of the best-selling science fiction novels of all time, L. Ron Hubbard's Battlefield Earth opens with breathtaking scope on an Earth dominated for 1,000 years by an alien invader and man is an endangered species. From the handful of surviving humans a courageous leader emerges Jonnie Goodboy Tyler, who challenges the invincible might of the alien Psychlo empire in a battle of epic scale, danger and intrigue with the fate of the Earth and of the universe in the... more

Edward ParkinA totally amazing book. (Source)
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