Want to know what books David Cohen recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of David Cohen's favorite book recommendations of all time.

An essential guide to understanding the dynamics of a startup's board of directorsLets face it, as founders and entrepreneurs, you have a lot on your plate--getting to your minimum viable product, developing customer interaction, hiring team members, and managing the accounts/books. Sooner or later, you have a board of directors, three to five (or even seven) Type A personalities who seek your attention and at times will tell you what to do. While you might be hesitant to form a board, establishing an objective outside group is essential for startups, especially to keep you on track, call you... more An essential guide to understanding the dynamics of a startup's board of directorsLets face it, as founders and entrepreneurs, you have a lot on your plate--getting to your minimum viable product, developing customer interaction, hiring team members, and managing the accounts/books. Sooner or later, you have a board of directors, three to five (or even seven) Type A personalities who seek your attention and at times will tell you what to do. While you might be hesitant to form a board, establishing an objective outside group is essential for startups, especially to keep you on track, call you out when you flail, and in some cases, save you from yourself.
In "Startup Boards," Brad Feld--a Boulder, Colorado-based entrepreneur turned-venture capitalist--shares his experience in this area by talking about the importance of having the right board members on your team and how to manage them well. Along the way, he shares valuable insights on various aspects of the board, including how they can support you, help you understand your startup's milestones and get to them faster, and hold you accountable.Details the process of choosing board members, including interviewing many people, checking references, and remembering that there should be no fear in rejecting a wrong fitExplores the importance of running great meetings, mixing social time with business time, and much moreRecommends being a board member yourself at some other organization so you see the other side of the equation
Engaging and informative, "Startup Boards" is a practical guide to one of the most important pieces of the startup puzzle. less 
Eric RiesIn addition to walking you through, in great detail, how a board functions, Brad has adopted many of the Lean Startup approaches to building, operating, and managing your board in a way that resembles continuous deployments. Any practitioner of Lean Startup would do well to use this approach to building their board. (Source)

Steve CaseI've had the opportunity to serve on a range of boards for companies at various stages in their lifecycle—so I know firsthand that building an effective board, and leveraging it wisely, is both a challenge and an opportunity. This new Brad Feld book will help you get it right. (Source)

David CohenI've been fortunate enough to sit on a few startup boards with Brad. His 'less is more' approach to board meetings keeps the process efficient and focused on strategy. If you have any role on a board of directors, stop messing with PowerPoint and read this book right now. I guarantee that you'll get far more satisfaction from your future interactions. (Source)
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