Claudy Jules's Top Book Recommendations
Director of People's Operations/Google
Want to know what books Claudy Jules recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Claudy Jules's favorite book recommendations of all time.

Daniel GolemanAt last, a science-based answer to that all-important question, How can I help? Whether you are a teacher, manager, parent, healthcare provider, or coach--from Little League to the executive suite--Helping People Change will give you solid guidance. (Source)

Claudy JulesNot just another book on coaching. Grounded in three decades of research, Helping People Change tells inspiring stories of 'coaching with compassion' to illustrate how the power of our dreams is the key to making positive change. A playbook for helping professionals at all levels in the organization. (Source)

Marshall GoldsmithWhat is the secret to creating genuine, lasting change in people's lives? With compelling research, keen insight, and practical guidance, Boyatzis, Smith, and Van Oosten show that great coaching is not about fixing someone's problems but about tapping into their inspiring personal vision. A landmark book. (Source)
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