Want to know what books Christina Stage Break Warren recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Christina Stage Break Warren's favorite book recommendations of all time.

Christina Stage Break WarrenAlso, there’s not an audio book for it -but Gil Amelio’s 500 Days on the Firing Line is a so bad it’s awesome memoir of Apple’s second-most inept CEO (second-most b/c be brought back Steve. Even tho he didn’t realize he was signing his own termination papers by doing that) (Source)
"Sparkling, luminescent prose . . . A powerful portrait of one girl's journey through the purgatory of depression and back." —New York Times
"A book that became a cultural touchstone." —New Yorker
Elizabeth Wurtzel writes with her finger on the faint pulse of an overdiagnosed generation whose ruling icons are Kurt Cobain, Xanax, and pierced tongues. Her famous memoir of her bouts with depression and skirmishes with drugs, Prozac Nation is a witty... more

Christina Stage Break WarrenThat book was the best encapsulation I had read and may have ever read of depression. And I’m thankful it was written and for all of Wurtzel’s other writings. (Source)

Christina Stage Break Warren@ravi_hiranand @waltmossberg @Apple The book by Bill Carter is excellent and the later book he wrote about the Conan debacle is excellent too. His book Desperate Networks is also a fantastic behind the scenes of early 00s TV (Source)
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