Want to know what books Cassie Knight recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Cassie Knight's favorite book recommendations of all time.

Nigel WarburtonI think the central question in philosophy is, How should we live? And that’s a question about which Peter Singer has a lot to say. (Source)

Cassie KnightBecause it’s a really inspiring read. And it’s very nicely set out in terms of having clear arguments and picking up on things that are often said but not thought about. Peter Singer starts with a simple story – if you are walking past a pond and you see a child floundering and it looks likely that the child will drown, despite the fact that your new shoes may be ruined, you will automatically go... (Source)

Cassie KnightBecause I believe it is the only novel about emergency response. This is quite odd, considering that it often dominates our news and so many people donate to aid organisations. And it’s written by Helen Fielding, who is best known for Bridget Jones’s Diary. She tells a good story. It is the story of a woman who drops her boyfriend and well-paid job in London and goes to a made-up African country.... (Source)

Cassie KnightThis is a very different type of book. It’s very practical for people working in emergency response. It was launched after the Rwandan crisis and it’s based on human rights – specifically that everyone has the right to live in dignity. This is enshrined in international law but the handbook tries to define what dignity is. When everyone is rushing to provide assistance as quickly as possible... (Source)

Cassie KnightI wrote it after living and working in the Republic of Congo, which is the smaller of the two Congos. It was a country I loved from the moment I arrived. Despite having a horrible government, it has a wonderful tiny capital city that is beautiful and French in its centre, with lively African districts where the majority of the population lives. The Congolese are great fun and there were many... (Source)

Robert Macfarlane@srijanapiya17 @GhoshAmitav It’s a brilliant book. One I have both read and taught here in Cambridge. (Source)

Cassie KnightI selected this book because it is set in the Sundarbans in Bangladesh, which is the mangrove coastal area that is prone to cyclones. It contains a vivid description of a cyclone. Just last week I was visiting the cyclone-hit area of the Sundarbans and to have an image of what it is like makes it so much more real. Even though I have spoken to people who have lived through a cyclone, I sometimes... (Source)
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