Experts > Carl Daikeler
Want to know what books Carl Daikeler recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Carl Daikeler's favorite book recommendations of all time.
"Written in the same remarkable vein as Getting to Yes, this book is a masterpiece." --Dr. Steven R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Winner of the Outstanding Book Award for Excellence in Conflict Resolution from the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution -
In Getting to Yes, renowned educator and negotiator Roger Fisher presented a universally applicable method for effectively negotiating personal and professional disputes. Building on his work as director of the Harvard... more
- Winner of the Outstanding Book Award for Excellence in Conflict Resolution from the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution -
In Getting to Yes, renowned educator and negotiator Roger Fisher presented a universally applicable method for effectively negotiating personal and professional disputes. Building on his work as director of the Harvard... more

Carl DaikelerI get asked if I really believe in ongoing personal development as a vital behavior. I absolutely do, and this book “beyond reason”has been one of the best finds of the year! (Source)
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