Want to know what books C S Lewis Quotes Et Al recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of C S Lewis Quotes Et Al's favorite book recommendations of all time.

Encounter God. Worship more.
What Tozer lacked in formal education, he more than made up for in experiential wisdom. Tozer was a man who really knew God, and it showed. People came from all over to hear his sermons because they knew they would go home more in awe of God. That’s why millions keep coming back to his writings, but particularly these three books.
Considered to be Tozer’s greatest works, Knowledge of the Holy, The Pursuit of God, and God’s Pursuit of Man are now available in a single volume. In 3 Spiritual Classics, you will discover a... more Encounter God. Worship more.
What Tozer lacked in formal education, he more than made up for in experiential wisdom. Tozer was a man who really knew God, and it showed. People came from all over to hear his sermons because they knew they would go home more in awe of God. That’s why millions keep coming back to his writings, but particularly these three books.
Considered to be Tozer’s greatest works, Knowledge of the Holy, The Pursuit of God, and God’s Pursuit of Man are now available in a single volume. In 3 Spiritual Classics, you will discover a God of breathtaking majesty and world-changing love, and you will find yourself worshipping through every page. Encounter Tozer and the God worth worshipping today. less 
C S Lewis Quotes Et AlListen to no man who has not listened to God.
A W Tozer
My DAD introduced me to Tozer--his favorite book was
Knowledge of the Holy. (Source)
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This forty-year-old Christian classic and bestseller is a study group favorite; this book challenges readers’ conventional views about God and encourages them to search for a meaningful redefinition of a higher power that is relevant to contemporary existence.
Your God is Too Small is a groundbreaking work of faith, which challenges the constraints of traditional religion. In his discussion of God, author J.B. Phillips encourages Christians to redefine their understanding of a creator without labels or earthly constraints and instead search for a meaningful concept of God.... more This forty-year-old Christian classic and bestseller is a study group favorite; this book challenges readers’ conventional views about God and encourages them to search for a meaningful redefinition of a higher power that is relevant to contemporary existence.
Your God is Too Small is a groundbreaking work of faith, which challenges the constraints of traditional religion. In his discussion of God, author J.B. Phillips encourages Christians to redefine their understanding of a creator without labels or earthly constraints and instead search for a meaningful concept of God. Phillips explains that the trouble facing many of us today is that we have not found a God big enough for our modern needs. In a world where our experience of life has grown in myriad directions and our mental horizons have been expanded to the point of bewilderment by world events and scientific discoveries, our ideas of God have remained largely static. This inspirational work tackles tough topics and inspires readers to reevaluate and connect more deeply with a God that is relevant to current experience and big enough to command respect and admiration. less 
C S Lewis Quotes Et AlMakes you feel VERY small...
And realize how BIG God is...
Great book is: Your God is Too Small by J B Phillips (the translator) https://t.co/Ph98iuTPE5 (Source)
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Rob Morgan's inimitable style will help people reacquaint themselves with the hymns of the faithful. His goal is to keep these traditional hymns vital and meaningful to all generations.
Don't look for a dry recounting of boring stories. These devotional-style stories show the emotion and drama behind the hymns of faith that have changed many lives throughout history -- the people whose faith led them to write these wonderful hymns and the people whose faith was affected by reading, hearing, and singing the songs. Designed to be personally reflective, these stories speak to your... more Rob Morgan's inimitable style will help people reacquaint themselves with the hymns of the faithful. His goal is to keep these traditional hymns vital and meaningful to all generations.
Don't look for a dry recounting of boring stories. These devotional-style stories show the emotion and drama behind the hymns of faith that have changed many lives throughout history -- the people whose faith led them to write these wonderful hymns and the people whose faith was affected by reading, hearing, and singing the songs. Designed to be personally reflective, these stories speak to your soul and add depth and meaning as you worship God through song.
Includes words and music to each hymn
Special softcover, french flap cover design
Ivory paper with brown ink
Jagged-edge paper, giving it a classic feel
Complete with hymn index
Use for devotionals, teaching illustrations, introductory remarks for song leaders and music ministers less 
C S Lewis Quotes Et AlIf you love old hymns, this book about the stories behind them is amazing and interesting:
Then Sings My Soul by Robert Morgan
https://t.co/ngpT9CWLhZ (Source)
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Imagine what our world might look like if Christians became known for remarkable love, as well as life-giving truth.
The stakes are high and the need is great for Christians to represent Jesus to a watching world. And today, we have more influence than ever before--for better and for worse. We are among the first generations to have access to a global megaphone through social media. But it's not enough to speak truth louder to a noisy culture. To counter the reputation Christians have earned, our love must be just as loud.
Ask... more Imagine what our world might look like if Christians became known for remarkable love, as well as life-giving truth.
The stakes are high and the need is great for Christians to represent Jesus to a watching world. And today, we have more influence than ever before--for better and for worse. We are among the first generations to have access to a global megaphone through social media. But it's not enough to speak truth louder to a noisy culture. To counter the reputation Christians have earned, our love must be just as loud.
Ask evangelist Matt Brown, and he will tell you Christians today are facing a crisis of influence. In our rush to speak truth to today's tensions, cultural issues, and trending controversies, it becomes all too easy to focus on proving our points rather than extending God's grace. Conversely, when we seek only to love yet never proclaim a better way, we short-circuit God's plan.
Truth Plus Love invites you to rediscover the biblical framework for engaging culture as ambassadors of Christ. Through biblical insight, cultural analysis, and practical principles, Matt Brown outlines how to champion truth without compromise, how to love unconditionally, and ultimately, how to step into this great adventure of representing God to the world. It's hard, it's messy, and it's the unfinished project of a lifetime, yet here we find our great adventure: representing God to a watching world. less 
C S Lewis Quotes Et AlI don't recommend a lot of books on this account, only ones I think are significant...and Matt's new book has an important theme. Hope you will read
'Truth AND Love' (ok, I made the caps) by @evangelistmatt (Source)
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Are transgender people discovering their authentic self? Is the hookup culture really liberating? Does abortion lead to equality for women? Does homosexuality contradict our biological sex?
In Love Thy Body, bestselling and award-winning author Nancy Pearcey takes on the hard questions about life and sexuality. A two-time winner of the ECPA Gold Medallion Award, Pearcey has been hailed by The Economist as "America's preeminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual."
In Love Thy Body she offers a respectful but riveting exposE of the secular worldview... more Are transgender people discovering their authentic self? Is the hookup culture really liberating? Does abortion lead to equality for women? Does homosexuality contradict our biological sex?
In Love Thy Body, bestselling and award-winning author Nancy Pearcey takes on the hard questions about life and sexuality. A two-time winner of the ECPA Gold Medallion Award, Pearcey has been hailed by The Economist as "America's preeminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual."
In Love Thy Body she offers a respectful but riveting exposE of the secular worldview that lies behind trendy slogans and political talking points. A former agnostic, Pearcey is a sensitive guide to the secular ideas that shape current debates. She empowers readers to intelligently and compassionately engage today's most controversial moral and social challenges.
In a surprise shattering of stereotypes, Pearcey demonstrates that while secularism promises much, in reality it delivers little. She turns the tables on stereotypes that portray Christianity as harsh and bigoted, and invites a fresh look at its holistic, life-affirming principles: it is a worldview that matches the real world and fits with human experience.
All along, Pearcey keeps readers entranced with gripping stories of real people wrestling with hard questions in their own lives--sharing their pain, their struggles, and their triumphs. less See more recommendations for this book...

Whether you’re a Christian parent, youth leader, or educator who works with Generation Z, this book was written for you. As powerful ideas in our increasingly secular culture shape more of this generation, trusted leaders must share what they know about Jesus in ways that will reach them. But how? Backed by the latest research and first hand experience, this powerful book shows how to share biblical truth with a generation that desperately needs to hear it in a way that draws them in instead of pushing them away.
Written by two youth influencers and experts on Generation Z, Sean... more Whether you’re a Christian parent, youth leader, or educator who works with Generation Z, this book was written for you. As powerful ideas in our increasingly secular culture shape more of this generation, trusted leaders must share what they know about Jesus in ways that will reach them. But how? Backed by the latest research and first hand experience, this powerful book shows how to share biblical truth with a generation that desperately needs to hear it in a way that draws them in instead of pushing them away.
Written by two youth influencers and experts on Generation Z, Sean McDowell, Ph.D., and J. Warner Wallace, So the Next Generation Will Know is an extraordinarily practical and relatable guide for anyone concerned with ensuring the next generation understands and embraces a biblical worldview. less 
Melissa Joan HartMy pal @jwarnerwallace has written another great book but this time aimed at parents struggling thru the teen years just as we are right now in my family. Check it out! #SoTheNextGenerationWillKnow https://t.co/W9rgBBpr7D (Source)

C S Lewis Quotes Et AlOK...thanks for setting me up. STRONG book recommendation for ANYONE with kids or grandkids or kids you love: 'So the Next Generation Will Know' by @Sean_McDowell & @jwarnerwallace Important EXCELLENT book re reaching Generation Z (18-24 year olds)
#HealthyFaith https://t.co/8Marv0C3Cd (Source)
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